Some great pics RL
I like everyone else's pictures too.
I had said I wouldn't share a pic, but it's pretty unlikely someone could figure out where I am from this pic, so...
Here is Hiker's, first ever, attempt at a veggie garden.
Just realized this is a couple weeks old now (from the 15th).
We've already harvested garlic, peas, spaghetti squash, zucchini, carrots, beets, broccoli, a few tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, the 'salad bar' (too hot right now), strawberries, blueberries (not many first year transplants), and lots of herbs. We're also growing corn, potatoes, onions, asparagus (won't see any until next year), rasberries (planted one bush and have a friend bringing 2 more), crook neck squash, several varieties of beans (bush and pole). There are also sunflowers and nosturium (sp?) spread around the garden. You can't see the strawberry raised bed, or the other 2 blueberries. You can see one, of the three, blueberry bushes we planted in raised beds in the front left corner. Since it wasn't gonna fill that box this year, I put a sunflower and some bean bushes in with it.
Yes, it looks like there are weeds everywhere, but it's only in the walkways. This area was grass last year, so it was a LOT of work to get things this far. I didn't get around to mulching my walkways. We come through with a hoe, or our hands, every so often and clean up the areas that get out of control.