Regrowth: Growing Clones & Getting Stoned

It looks like there's another storm on the way in the next few hours. Hopefully nothing goes wrong this time.
If you need to use your own body to protect them, then that’s what you do!

You got this!
I needed your bogan chant to cast away the evil spirits. Where were you tra!
I would have been the evil spirit. I would have been screaming at you!

Colas were dragging again this morning, so I took the time to fix everything up and built a little frame... then found a more bud rot, lots of it... I'm devastated, especially after wasting so much time on these plants. That's probably it for me for a bit. I'll cut down the Cherry Pie in the tent in the next few days then I'll probably just head home and sulk. I don't have the patience for this. :ciao:
Colas were dragging again this morning, so I took the time to fix everything up and built a little frame... then found a more bud rot, lots of it... I'm devastated, especially after wasting so much time on these plants. That's probably it for me for a bit. I'll cut down the Cherry Pie in the tent in the next few days then I'll probably just head home and sulk. I don't have the patience for this. :ciao:
Jesus mate. That's not good news. Is any bud salvageable? If there is, can you not get a hair dryer on a cool setting and give the buds a bit of a blow dry and trim? If you have a long enough extension cord, that is.
In theory it should work, never tried it! Just come up with idea, just now; unless I read it :hmmmm:
Anyways. Chop all the bad away and see what you are left with..
Hope things get better for you soon mate. You must be gutted...
Wettable or micronized sulfur is good stuff. First it’s a beneficial natural element that plants need. Second it can be mixed with water and used as foliar spray, it kills crap tons of pests and it is labeled as a miticide (kills mites) it also prevents pm and bud rot…. another part of preventing pm and bud rot are lollipopping the plant and spreading out the limbs to facilitate good air movement

the only other considerations regarding sulfur are…. don’t use oil based foliars and sulfur close together as they can cause phytotoxic reaction (leaf burning) thinks it’s 2 week gap between oils and sulfur to avoid problems and the other caution would be if you use sulfur foliars then bud washing is highly recommended…..

Hate this happened but this will make you into a better gardener…… can’t begin to tell you how many times I have ducked-up in the garden…..
I just found more bud rot on the Platinum OG. Having just removed some a few days ago, I'm starting to think it's wise to just give her a chop whether done or not. Although nowhere near finished, there's something to harvest whereas if I wait too long there may be nothing at all. To finish naturally she'd need another 3 weeks or so, longer than I'd like to fight this for. Frustrating...
Platinum OG
Pistils: ~= 49 days ago (7.00 weeks | 1.75 months)

Northern Lights
Pistils: ~= 29 days ago (4.14 weeks | 1.03 months)

Pistils: ~= 44 days ago (6.29 weeks | 1.57 months)
I just found more bud rot on the Platinum OG. Having just removed some a few days ago, I'm starting to think it's wise to just give her a chop whether done or not. Although nowhere near finished, there's something to harvest whereas if I wait too long there may be nothing at all. To finish naturally she'd need another 3 weeks or so, longer than I'd like to fight this for. Frustrating...

I had to clip suspect buds right up to harvest. I just watched them super closely.

And Omg Regrowth I love your life so much :)

And the natural beauty of your grow, despite the bud rot, makes my heart sing :)

Well done, you :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
I just found more bud rot on the Platinum OG. Having just removed some a few days ago, I'm starting to think it's wise to just give her a chop whether done or not. Although nowhere near finished, there's something to harvest whereas if I wait too long there may be nothing at all. To finish naturally she'd need another 3 weeks or so, longer than I'd like to fight this for. Frustrating...

Odd how these crop up at the same time for most grows. Just saw my first sign of Bud Rot today. @Regrowth I would have to agree, if it starts getting bad chop and save what you can. I may be in the same boat soon.
Hey @Morda Grown, good to have you here and hopefully your ladies are ok. She got the chop earlier today and I'll finish the trimming off tomorrow when I get up. It's just spreading way faster than I'd like and there was more rot there than I was even aware of. She had a few decent colas, and few that went straight into the trash. It's sad and frustrating having spent like 5 months on these plants only to watch them get devastated. Hopefully next summer I'll be more prepared for this kind of thing. For now, I've got the other ladies to worry about and I hope they'' actually finish without any trouble. I appreciate the positive support and encouragement everyone has given me, it really means a lot.
Hey @Morda Grown, good to have you here and hopefully your ladies are ok. She got the chop earlier today and I'll finish the trimming off tomorrow when I get up. It's just spreading way faster than I'd like and there was more rot there than I was even aware of. She had a few decent colas, and few that went straight into the trash. It's sad and frustrating having spent like 5 months on these plants only to watch them get devastated. Hopefully next summer I'll be more prepared for this kind of thing. For now, I've got the other ladies to worry about and I hope they'' actually finish without any trouble. I appreciate the positive support and encouragement everyone has given me, it really means a lot.

Mine was only up in the main cola, sad part is it revealed a deeper issue.... Aphids! I took it away from the others and sprayed it with Spinosad. It was either that or trash the plant. Still may be a loss. My bigger worry are them migrating to the other plants.
Similar worries here with the rot but can only hope for the best at this point.
It's pouring at the moment and the forecast is calling for an entire week of rain... dangerous stuff...
I just spotted rot on the Northern Lights this time and there's a still week of rain to go. Then I went and had a look at the Platinum OG that had to be cut early because of the same issue... there's white mold growing on the buds I have hanging to dry... Even after budwashing. What a waste of time.
I just spotted rot on the Northern Lights this time and there's a still week of rain to go. Then I went and had a look at the Platinum OG that had to be cut early because of the same issue... there's white mold growing on the buds I have hanging to dry... Even after budwashing. What a waste of time.
Hi mate. Really gutted for you. It hasn't been an easy ride. what do you plan on doing with the moldy platinum buds? Are you going to do some sort of extraction?
No clue what I'm doing squig. At this point it may just be worth throwing it away. Is it good for something? Do you want it? I'm really starting to question my choice of growing here during the summer... I don't really have the patience for this and don't do well with stressful situations. Just seems like one blow after another lately.
I feel yeah @Regrowth, After all I went through this year it has been a struggle at times. I have to try and keep looking at the bright side and keep trying. Had a friend get hit with 2 males seeded his whole crop when he took off for a week. Now mold has hit and he is ready to pack it in. He is a med grower and now he lost 80% of his crop.

I'm looking at it this way. I'm not putting all my beans in one basket next year. With the new light it will me a third basket. I will have my outdoor grow, my green house grow, and the small indoor grow. Between the 3 I should not ever have a total loss.
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