Redemption Journal - Two Buckets - Two Lights - One Cab

Final weight is a hair under 63 grams. Yield suffered pretty badly chopping early. The quality looks great but it's been curing only two days so have not tried it.


Not notm worthy but idgaf at this point. Til next time whenever that will be. Peace .
The lights have been curing for a few days and the taste isn't all that but as far as effect the wife gives it two thumbs up and since I have the proper equipment I'm able to raise a third thumbs up. Two weeks early and no flush and it's pretty damned good. Long lasting euphoric head buzz and body high. I can only imagine if it was flushed and dried out in a more ideal environment how good it would've been. Hopefully we will be back with some more ladies in a better setup. Thanks guys for being here, stay tuned we will be back .
The lights have been curing for a few days and the taste isn't all that but as far as effect the wife gives it two thumbs up and since I have the proper equipment I'm able to raise a third thumbs up. Two weeks early and no flush and it's pretty damned good. Long lasting euphoric head buzz and body high. I can only imagine if it was flushed and dried out in a more ideal environment how good it would've been. Hopefully we will be back with some more ladies in a better setup. Thanks guys for being here, stay tuned we will be back .

Glad to hear that your batch turned out pretty well. Looking forward to seeing you do your thing again brother!
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us. :goodjob:

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

You can use the Report Post feature found at the bottom left of every post and we'll move it for you right away.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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