Red & Purple Fan Leave Stems - Help Please

So I make my own bacteria which is cool fun stuff but lets do that on the next grow. My tea is full of nutes and bloom enhancers as well. it is a full plant food and more and in your state would probably be way too strong.

I think Orca is probably a good start for you. It has both bacteria and Mycos. The Mycos, if it gets in there good, will balance out the nutes. Depending on the type of mycos it can even take nitrogen out of the plant. Most of the ones we buy I think mainly store up Phos. But either way Mycos will help in your situation.

So also dump in some sugar product with the bacteria. That will help them breed and make a good colony.

And also add an enzyme product.

I think my first advice is still correct. I don't think you NEED to flush yet. You can if you want and it wont hurt but wait until it is dried out first. Then when you do it... in the last bucket add the Orca and sugars. If you flush make sure it is raised so all of the water runs out (Like siting on 2x4 blocks or sumtin).

Let the microbs do their job which should take about a week to dry out. Then take a good look at the new growth. You may still have enough nutes in there that things are fine. You may have had a successful flush and the thing is ready for more.

One thing you can do is measure run off during the flush of each bucket and watch the PPM drop to something at least half where you are. To do the flush right you keep going until it hasn't changed for two buckets. Then you add your final one with the enzymes and bacteria and fungi and sugars.


Can I use bud canyon for a sugar..and can I use it with the fox farm nutes..also your saying I need some mycos and they look like really small seed looking things..what could I use for the fungi and enzymes..and what about molasses can I use that as a sugar..I used it in my last grow but I didn't start using it till week 7 of a 10 week was outside then when it got cold I brought it is a pic of my first grow
Temps should be in the 70's...not higher than 80.

Humidity should never go below 40%. Preferabley closer to 60%. Below 40% and you are stunting growth.

I assume you mean bud candy. That is pre broken down molasses. If you know how to break down molasses you can just use that...the interwebs will show you that. But just using straight molasses doesn't work well.

You can mix lines. there is nothing special about one line over another they just want you to use their line so they will say "works best with a complete set of our products". Why would they say anything else?

Mycos is family of Fungi.

Mycorrhiza - Wikipedia

And it comes bottled with bacteria in Orca.
it is fine later in bloom but in veg you want it high. That chart tells all. It is for DWC so ignore the pH line but the rest is transferable. Well the EC line isn't but the relative trend is transferable.
I actually been messing up my temps..I been putting it in the pot I stead of at the top of the canopy..when I checked the temp at the top of the canopy there where 27.7 and between 45 and 49 that close to where I'm savored to be...a day I want to thank you for all the help you have been..and I will keep you posted on the up coming weeks..I'm sure I will screw up again but that's the process it takes to learn and do it the right way..I don't just want to grow I want to grow the best
Sotry got one more question for you..where should my ppm''s be for week 4 of flower..I think it's doing a little better because the last two days it has really shoot up..I have to keep raising the years I forgot would supplement co2 help or is it a waste of my is an organic one..sugar and some king of micr yeast or something..seen it online..sorry to keep bugging you and asking a bunch of questions
No worries but I gotta run. I will get back to these later. Can you edit that and retype it and clean up all those type-os so I make sure and answer your actual questions?

CO2 is a waste of time for YOU. It works great but you do not have the grow space nor the equipment necessary to make it actually beneficial. There is a lot of science behind it. Just adding CO2 doesn't help. You have to maintain fairly serious controls and vent it all out at night because at night the pant is not doing photosynthesis and is using O2. So if you don't vent it properly and then seal it up during the day you will stunt the plant at night and not have high enough PPM in there during the day to matter. It becomes expensive and is only really cost effective with a very good sized professional grow.
Alright back from the airport....

For week 4 off flowering ins a great system with proper temp, humidity, great want to be about 800ppm. that includes fully functional and healthy fan leafs.

Solution concentration is really based on the level of photosynthesis right? Let me know it that isn't obvious and I will explain. So if you have optimal Photosynthesis with great conditions then you would want around 800. I submit maybe you don't have a perfect setup ;) so maybe we run it 700 for now.

The plant will tell you what it needs.

You can actually get it up to well over 1000...I had mine sucking up 1200PPM in my last grow but I was doing really cool things. I wouldn't recommend you push it because a lot of bad things can happen (too much to list here right now) for going too strong.

Back to the CO2...

CO2 only has a meaningful benefit at a high PPM concentration and when the temps and humidity are severely raised. In fact you want the temps at a higher level than is normally desired if running CO2. Up in the mid 80's where as we normally want int in the mid 70's. Another thing as I stated is the CO2 level need to get real high for it to matter. So you need a sealed room to allow the levels to get high and then probably you need to add an AC unit to get it back down to 85ish. Then CO2 has a measurable impact. And here is the rub. It has about a 25-30% impact. That is fantastic but not great if running a few plants. If you have 4 plants or so it is better to just add one plant and you get the same results. If you have 20 plants then this is a meaningful endeavor.

Then to do it right you want a "lung room" where you vent all the CO2 regularly and then bring it back from. So to do it right you are dedicating space to that instead of just growing in that space.

And then as I stated at night you have to vent it all (preferably into the lung room) so at night the plant can do the other processing it does where it needs O2. If you don't do that the plant will stunt and it was all wasted. The plant does totally different processes during the dark cycle but it never sleeps.

Last time I check my ppm''s they was it was flashing × can I raise it and do you think I should raise..she has been doing a lot better it's really shooting up now..I can tell a big difference..and there's only a couple leaves that have the claw but I still need to get my humidity up some
That means you have toxic levels of nutes in there. The 10X thing means you have to add a 0 (multiply by 10). You have 1800 PPM and may burn your plant.


I am drunk right now ( I am on a 420 hiatus for about 1 more month)...but I messed up and thought this was another thread that was a hydro thread.

You are the one who over did the nutes and has had toxic levels of nutes in there for a while now rigth.

So yeah you should have flushed that back when you saw it was unnaturally green before you let the nitrogen toxicity cause problems. But any who. What are you measuring at 1800 PPM is usually toxic in any medium. The 1200 I was talking about was my last hydro grow where I actually got it up well over that but not 1800...that is totally a waste and unnecessary.

And your last question doesn't really make sense as i don't see me stating that...but yes your pH should be in the good range or bad things happen....whats the question?


But that sounds fine for a bit. Adding some bacteria to your soil will help you run more balanced and be able to run longer on just water. Just watch the leaves and let here tell you what to do.
Just wanted to give you any update..last night I flushed her out with 10gal of ph water..when I first started I checked the ppm of my runoff water and it was around 1500..the last gal of water I did it was right at 600 I think my soil was hot and that is what my problem was..the past 3 days it has grown about I think I caught it in time
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