Recurring problem with feminized plants turning into herms

I struggled with this and tweaked everything from one at a time to try and ID the stress. The thing I think that fixed it was lowering the PPFD of my light. I downloaded the Photone app and took readings. I was keeping my light at 100% and it was putting out 1900 PPFD at the canopy. There was no burn but I think they were getting stressed. I lowered it to 800-900 in flower and I haven't had a hermie since. I'm also more gentle during flower with my defoliation, but I think the excessive light strength was stressing them out. Something to look at that I think is overlooked. Love the app 👍
Just trimmed and jarred a killer harvest 🙏🏼

I struggled with this and tweaked everything from one at a time to try and ID the stress. The thing I think that fixed it was lowering the PPFD of my light. I downloaded the Photone app and took readings. I was keeping my light at 100% and it was putting out 1900 PPFD at the canopy. There was no burn but I think they were getting stressed. I lowered it to 800-900 in flower and I haven't had a hermie since. I'm also more gentle during flower with my defoliation, but I think the excessive light strength was stressing them out. Something to look at that I think is overlooked. Love the app 👍
💯 unless you have high co2 then anything above 800ppfd becomes stress some can take it but not worth the risk. I have been checking in on a few people and even 900ppfd some are foxtailing. 👍
What is the recommended PPFD in veg?
I think seedlings will be around 300 so from 300 to 600 as they grow.. I never worry too much in veg unless I see some burn 🤣
Only thing I'm unsure about is spectrums as I guess it would vary the tolerance on ppfd.. but the guide seems to be good for your basic full spectrum lights.
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