Recurring problem with feminized plants turning into herms


420 Member
I have raised the past three grows from feminized seed under LED's, when I come to harvest I find seed in the colas. The little pods are soft and in a large cluster at the base of the cola as well as in the cola.
The seedling show as females at approx 3 wks, and go on to produce good results until.....
Any ideas how to break this cycle?
Light leaks in your tent might cause that. Or poor genetics in the seeds I find. Were they all different strains of seeds, from different companies?
t have raised the past three grows from feminized seed under LED's, when I come to harvest I find seed in the colas. The little pods are soft and in a large cluster at the base of th cola as well as in the cola.
The seedling show as females at approx 3 wks, and go on to produce good results until.....
Any ideas how to break this cycle?
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend :welcome:
If you are using stable seeds from a reputable breeder then it's not seeds it's environmental.
Either a light leak, timer issue or light on in the room.
Who did you get the seeds from?
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#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
....I come to harvest I find seed in the colas. The little pods are soft and in a large cluster at the base of th cola as well as in the cola.
A picture of these little pods you are finding will help us see what you are seeing.

There should be male flowers somewhere on one or more of the plants. Those should have been there long enough to mature before they can let loose with some pollen so maybe a photo of those male flowers to help us see the problem.
t have raised the past three grows from feminized seed under LED's, when I come to harvest I find seed in the colas. The little pods are soft and in a large cluster at the base of th cola as well as in the cola.
The seedling show as females at approx 3 wks, and go on to produce good results until.....
Any ideas how to break this cycle?
Welcome to 420magazine :welcome: Sorry to hear about your recent bad luck growing. Whenever I set my tents up I get in them and Zip it up. If theirs any light from the outside getting in I aluminium tape it then tape it again on the outside for safe measure lol. Mine have their own room but still incase I leave the light on. As ubove usually environmental stress causes Hermie. ✌🏽
I have raised the past three grows from feminized seed under LED's, when I come to harvest I find seed in the colas. The little pods are soft and in a large cluster at the base of the cola as well as in the cola.
The seedling show as females at approx 3 wks, and go on to produce good results until.....
Any ideas how to break this cycle?
Sounds like you're getting nanners late in the grow, try turning down the light intensity a bit towards the end, and keep the temps below 80-82. Late season herms, if they're not genetic, are often light/heat stress related.
Welcome to 420magazine :welcome: Sorry to hear about your recent bad luck growing. Whenever I set my tents up I get in them and Zip it up. If theirs any light from the outside getting in I aluminium tape it then tape it again on the outside for safe measure lol. Mine have their own room but still incase I leave the light on. As ubove usually environmental stress causes Hermie. ✌🏽
I have a large "cuboard", no windows, double doors and have checked for light leaks "none".
But thanks for your input.
I've had the same issue my first 2 grows. with seeds from "Eye El Gee Em dot com". Mine didn't really show signs of hermie until a few weeks from the end. First round I thought I defoliated too late into flower. 2nd grow I didn't defoliate much at all in flower. I hade no light leaks at all. I did discover that my PAR/PFFD level was way too high, like 1800. It was weird though, there was no visible signs of light stress or anything. I just flipped a single plant from Green Point this weekend and dialed back my light to about 900 PAR. Fingers crossed 🤞🏼 Very frustrating. If this one goes hermie, I'm going to try regular seeds next time.
Ahh Spain the home of the hermie!!
Its probably genetics mate.
It's probably from using to much nutrients but without any real data your guess is as good as mine? It's very easy to overfeed an oldschool long flowering Sativa or any Landrace based cross. We need data from the environment like temperature, humidity, what medium he's using, what nutrients and it's concentration and how he's feeding them to the plant?

Most people on here are way overfeeding their plants by following other peoples or manufacturers recommendations instead of reading the plants own response to inputs. I personally would look elsewhere for tips and knowledge if someone starts blaming bad genetics instead of trying to better their own methods and understanding of where they're falling short?

Here's some examples people blame on bad genetics:

A plant underperforms and have all kinds of different nutrient deficiencies throughout the cycle - Bad genetics.

A plant dies before finishing flower? - Must be bad genetics?

A seedling is slow in early veg - Bad genetics again right?

A plant shows nanners in late flower - I bet it's those Bad bad genetics!?

While this argument might be true for seeds that no matter the method won't sprout it can't explain all the other issues people blame on bad genetics and you won't learn and improve optimally by keep standing by it?

I have raised the past three grows from feminized seed under LED's, when I come to harvest I find seed in the colas. The little pods are soft and in a large cluster at the base of the cola as well as in the cola.
The seedling show as females at approx 3 wks, and go on to produce good results until.....
Any ideas how to break this cycle?
Some facts to go with the fiction.

I think hermies are generally a sign that growers are trying to push the plants too hard
All the snake oil in the world ain't gonna make a steak out of bacon as some marketing will have you believe
Just let it grow - I don't LST, use fancy super-duper boosters or max out on nutes and lighting and I can only remember ever having one turn hermie on me; now that WAS genetics [Space Cookies]
Most failed grows are down to mixing up a load of stuff without really understanding why, leading the grower into a labyrinth of compounded problems which is very difficult to unravel
Mix that in with 'I saw this video on YouTube' and it's a right royal knees-up
All this stuff about EC/ppm, DLI, VPD etc is probably correct but not actually relevant to your average grow - and of course you have to buy a load of kit to take all these measurements 🤔
The vast majority of all the weed on the planet is just a seed falling on the ground - no help required at all
It's probably from using to much nutrients but without any real data your guess is as good as mine? It's very easy to overfeed an oldschool long flowering Sativa or any Landrace based cross. We need data from the environment like temperature, humidity, what medium he's using, what nutrients and it's concentration and how he's feeding them to the plant?

Most people on here are way overfeeding their plants by following other peoples or manufacturers recommendations instead of reading the plants own response to inputs. I personally would look elsewhere for tips and knowledge if someone starts blaming bad genetics instead of trying to better their own methods and understanding of where they're falling short?

Here's some examples people blame on bad genetics:

A plant underperforms and have all kinds of different nutrient deficiencies throughout the cycle - Bad genetics.

A plant dies before finishing flower? - Must be bad genetics?

A seedling is slow in early veg - Bad genetics again right?

A plant shows nanners in late flower - I bet it's those Bad bad genetics!?

While this argument might be true for seeds that no matter the method won't sprout it can't explain all the other issues people blame on bad genetics and you won't learn and improve optimally by keep standing by it?

There is no photo of the plant so not sure how you think its probably to much nutrients. 🤔

As for your long and detailed comment about different problems I would not contribute any except late nanas to genetics the rest is user error!
What about large pH swings throughout to cause hermies??

You must admit hermie plants from fem seed is becoming more and more common with everyone from experienced growers to first timers!!
This cannot all be due to environmental or feeding practices. There must be some unstable lines being sold!!
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