Recovering from wind burn

That doesn't look like wins burn to me, looks like too much water. Which might be why the leaves are brittle. They are full of water and can snap. I get crazy windburn every year outside ams it doesn't look like that. The leaves are more dehydrated and soft, not brittle.
Getting her outside will be your best move.
I guess what I'm trying to say is windburn causes all sorts of damage but generally the leaves are really soft, like there is nothing in them. Also the leaves get wrinkled as there is no water to provide any turgidity.
Over watering gives that claw and full brittle leaves. The leaves go limp as there is no water in them. Hope it helps. Otherwise looks great outside.
I do not see any wind burn damage on the plants. You would see dead or necrotic leaf tissue if there was any real damage.

Several years ago I deliberately put several plants within 6 inches of the fan and left them there for about a 3 to 4 weeks just to see what happens. Fans would come on for an hour and then off for a 30 to 45 minutes and back on hour after hour and day after day. The photo is not all that great but it shows the damage done to several leaves by the air movement over the plant. No signs of burn on the other side of the plant. Plants that were 12 or more inches away from the fan did not have any "burn" marks.

Leaves that have grown into the LED lamps on my T5 fixtures will have similar looking marks but not the same shapes.

@wings @sea , @ sueet here is a better picture of the damage!
It is not that we would have been ignoring you but for future reference.... In order for the "call out" to the people you wanted to contact their entire username has to be included and it cannot be shortened. So, the call went to another member with a name of wings but not to me. The one to seaofgreen18 did not work either. And, the one to sueet did not work because of a space between the @ and the first letter of her username.

On my computer I get suggested user names after I type the @ and the first several letters. Not sure if that happens with a phone.
I do not see any wind burn damage on the plants. You would see dead or necrotic leaf tissue if there was any real damage.

Several years ago I deliberately put several plants within 6 inches of the fan and left them there for about a 3 to 4 weeks just to see what happens. Fans would come on for an hour and then off for a 30 to 45 minutes and back on hour after hour and day after day. The photo is not all that great but it shows the damage done to several leaves by the air movement over the plant. No signs of burn on the other side of the plant. Plants that were 12 or more inches away from the fan did not have any "burn" marks.

Leaves that have grown into the LED lamps on my T5 fixtures will have similar looking marks but not the same shapes.

That's pretty much what I've experiences except a whole plant in relentless wind gets really limp and will often supercrop itself in the wind or top itself. If you don't water it in time.
They will be limp but not fall off.
If you water too much before a few days of hard wind, the leaves fall off because they snap easier. More brittle.
That's pretty much what I've experiences except a whole plant in relentless wind gets really limp and will often supercrop itself in the wind or top itself. If you don't water it in time.
They will be limp but not fall off.
If you water too much before a few days of hard wind, the leaves fall off because they snap easier. More brittle.
Makes sense.

My little experiment was with indoor plants like the original grower. One of these days I will grow a couple of extra plants outside where I can do some of these interesting experiments just to see what happens.
Yes I agree. Indoors you can control the moisture levels and environment better. You watered as normal ( Im guessing) so the parts of the leaves exposed to the most intense constant wind got dehydrated and "burnt/dried out".
If I water outdoor container plants correctly I see the same damage on the fan leaves.
The photo caught my eye instantly and for me, was easy to identify as windburn
It is not that we would have been ignoring you but for future reference.... In order for the "call out" to the people you wanted to contact their entire username has to be included and it cannot be shortened. So, the call went to another member with a name of wings but not to me. The one to seaofgreen18 did not work either. And, the one to sueet did not work because of a space between the @ and the first letter of her username.

On my computer I get suggested user names after I type the @ and the first several letters. Not sure if that happens with a phone.
Thanks. Sorry, will do.
Yes I agree. Indoors you can control the moisture levels and environment better. You watered as normal ( Im guessing) so the parts of the leaves exposed to the most intense constant wind got dehydrated and "burnt/dried out".
If I water outdoor container plants correctly I see the same damage on the fan leaves.
The photo caught my eye instantly and for me, was easy to identify as windburn
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