Everyone smokes it spun out around here too grizz, its good though because they don't touch my shit, I smoke straight, they look at me weird if I want a smoke ill have a smoke
Err no rollie tobacco with mull when I first stared smoking my uncle made a mix with white ox.. I still can taste it almost 30 years later. Not sure what got me off my head more
I bet the white ox man that's some horrid stuff lol, no, never rollies with mull tbh when I smoked pre made ciggies and added it to the mull it made it taste like shit, only reason we used to do it was because we were young and could only afford a 20 between 4 of us, stretch that shit out as far as it goes these days I don't have the issue of running out or having to stretch anything out, shit these days I see a bud I don't like and throw it
maybe it was to stretch it out,idk, just how I've smoked it since I started.. I like the rush having a bong mixed, it's a different stone or set up to to stoneness.. now it just the way it is for me.. anology time my mums not a chef but makes a better roast dinner than anyone else's mum or any chef. Just what you get used to.. if I'm outta smokes, means I have to buy a packet before I can have a mix..
Each to their own, I used to enjoy it when I was younger now my lungs cant handle pumping in the tobacco the way I do my cones I don't know, maybe that's why I cant find weed that tastes like I remember, because what I remember was tobacco
I just got so used to smoking bush bud from outdoor harvests for years on end, mix tobacco with that stuff and it was unsmokable, barely smokeable by itself man it got you high though, just kept on coming on stronger the more you had