Almost a year later .....
I finished the grow journaled here, and flowered some cuttings of the same strains soon after.
Something went sideways with both grows.
I was struggling with the flowering stage. The plants seemed healthy enough, but they just didn't want to finish. I still don't know what the problem was, but I suspect my environment was just too dry, despite my efforts with wet towels and such. Also heat in the early flowering stage.
The result was about half a pound of loose, dry buds. Not sticky at all. The smoke was harsh and not very strong. I think the non sticky buds were also poorly cured ... again, my environment too dry.
In the fall I had a lot going on, and some stress in my job, and I neglected the clone grow at a very bad time. Along with the clones I popped a couple fresh silver haze seeds and one turned out to be male. I hadn't looked in tent for almost 4 days after a heavy watering, and when I did there were some glorious male flowers which had filled the room with a fine coating of pollen.
Mucho milla!!
Anyhow, the seeded buds finished much better and once the seeds were gone I had some pretty decent smoke.
Right around that time (last November) I got fired from a job that I really loved, and I was pretty sad for some time. I planned to travel and teach for a while, but I couldn't get my poop together before cash got too tight.
Anyhow, March came and I realized I wasn't going to be traveling any time soon, so I started a new seed, this time Carnival. This is the basis for my current grow. I now have 8-10 Carnival plants (depending on how you count) starting to flower in my 5×5*6⅔' tent, under 600w HP's plus a 3w×100 led panel, and another dozen cuttings started in my smaller tent under another panel.
I don't plan to journal this in detail, but I'll chime in on the carnival community grow thread.
I need some more kit materials! I've given them nothing but some second and third run kit soil. No deficiencies are apparent so far, but I think I'm pushing it. I have enough cat drench to give each plant a good soak and that's it. The last of the roots!:went into my last batch of cuttings.
So, it's good to be back on the site and catching up with your grows. I haven't had a stellar grow yet, but I'm not giving up ... ever. If I'm not travelling, I'll be growing. I love this plant!!
With love,