Mr. deMille, I'm ready for my close-up.
Update BloomDay7. Did a little training today, so figured I'd make a quick update. I'm starting to feel like a broken record: happy plant just keeps growing and looking great. No fuss, minimum drama. I should be grateful, but w/the formidable brain-trust behind me, I almost wish something would go wrong! Foolish, I know.
Here's after and before training:
A thousand pardons for my lousy photography. Believe it or not, these were the best of the lot. You can, I hope, see that she's happily growing clock-wise around her support. All the branches look slim and healthy, which is what I was expecting. While stout stems can be a good indicator of vigor, I don't smoke them, and would prefer that she put her precious energy towards flower production.
Re Post#100: A Lelle in Estonia too? This one's in Hungary, near Lake Balaton. Old neighbors in Chicago said there's also one in Poland, but I don't know where. If you go, beware of the plum brandy: it's a creeper. Yes, sadly, that is the voice of experience speaking.
Couple of questions:
1. I've searched and searched for genealogical info on Trainwreck & only come up w/vagaries. Anybody know where this lovely strain comes from?
2. She's still not thirsty! If she weren't growing, or looked unhealthy, I'd be more concerned. As it is, I'm more curious. I give her a cup or so of rainwater every 3-4 days and she's leaks out 1/2 of it. She gets a good misting every morning 5-10min before lights on, could this be an explanation? Any other hypotheses? Mystified.
Love and respect.