R.Q.S. Hulkberry: Attack Of The Clones

Well i definitely hope things go good and im gonna stick with u till the end. But thats what i was going through, i had 2 different strains in the rdwc but the needs if each strain was different, so back to the solo buckets they go, until i get a better grip on things
was my undoing initially as i believed the " Its so easy " comments without knowing the little things that become bigger things if left. community here saved my grow when converted to it. still feel the love for coco though.
Glad to have you along for the ride. I am determined to rinse a good crop out of these xlones and strain before i am beat.lol
was my undoing initially as i believed the " Its so easy " comments without knowing the little things that become bigger things if left. community here saved my grow when converted to it. still feel the love for coco though.
Glad to have you along for the ride. I am determined to rinse a good crop out of these xlones and strain before i am beat.lol
Well i definitely got faith in ya man good luck and happy growing
Quickie ( just.like married life !) . checking the ladies and seeing one of them looking very very sad indeed i started the panic checks , Temp was 29°c ! , extraction fan had its pipe off so was pumping warm air back in , my cooltube fan was also leaking air back in before extraction from its own fan too. Checked the pots and saw next to no air bubbles from the rings @#$@!. pumps running, pipes connected, a dribble of air from the 4 lines !!!. I had left a spare connection in the air manifold wide open ,doh!!!!. so all my idiotic , rushed errors corrected , we are back on track.
ppm 726
Ph 5.7 from 5.8 overnight.
Quickie ( just.like married life !) . checking the ladies and seeing one of them looking very very sad indeed i started the panic checks , Temp was 29°c ! , extraction fan had its pipe off so was pumping warm air back in , my cooltube fan was also leaking air back in before extraction from its own fan too. Checked the pots and saw next to no air bubbles from the rings @#$@!. pumps running, pipes connected, a dribble of air from the 4 lines !!!. I had left a spare connection in the air manifold wide open ,doh!!!!. so all my idiotic , rushed errors corrected , we are back on track.
ppm 726
Ph 5.7 from 5.8 overnight.
Fwww, that could have been bad, hope everything is ok and you caught it quick enough (im sure u did)... shit happens bro lol
Fwww, that could have been bad, hope everything is ok and you caught it quick enough (im sure u did)... shit happens bro lol
am relieved i checked it when i did to be honest. The one that looks unwell has some good branching structure for scrog started so hoping dealing with the issues sorts it out. The rest look like they are shedding their flowering foliage from cloning now. Will trim them up in a few days to help them out
am relieved i checked it when i did to be honest. The one that looks unwell has some good branching structure for scrog started so hoping dealing with the issues sorts it out. The rest look like they are shedding their flowering foliage from cloning now. Will trim them up in a few days to help them out
Its definitely a tedious hobby... im watching youtube videos where people are only going in there grow room a couple times a week (off site) my shit would parish lol i GOTTA check it at least twice a day lol
Its definitely a tedious hobby... im watching youtube videos where people are only going in there grow room a couple times a week (off site) my shit would parish lol i GOTTA check it at least twice a day lol
hehee . i use any excuse to go play to be honest. been going years and still it fascinates me. I am away for 10 days soon as they finish stretch period from flip. worried to be leaving them this long. hoping to find a garden babysitter
Update: Day 3. veg
ph.5.7 ppm 723
lots.of signs of recovery now thankfully. Air was the issue it seems. The clone that looked unwell has new growth and upright leaves again now. I am only boring you with this one due to the illness issues and rapid changes. I have now added a 25lt bin with yeast /sugar fermentation for co2. Not as good as Expensive bottled systems but with an air stone and heater it should kick some extra co2 for the girls. I added the outlet to the rear of the oscillating fan to spread rje love as far as i can. having a near sealed room should hold some of the build up too before it vents on the timer. I am happy that they are going to recover well and already have some potentially helpful branching happening for the scrog set up too. There is some growth but only very little yet. The roots are strengthening and getting longer so can happily reach the water.
I am hoping to get them into flower within 2 weeks so keeping my fingers crossed that all will go well finally now.
Hey GG! I'm fashionably late as ever but better late than never! Will you be germing the Barneys Seeds after this grow or during? Hope you're well buddy
Hi prof. welcome in matey. My thinking is to wait until about week 4 of flower , then can get them in and give them time to get established before going into the room maybe. I am so eager to get onto those genetics to be honest. Half hoped for a crop failure during the waiting time.lol. if i thought they could catch up and be included in coco for this one i would be on it. seeing yours has made me even more eager. lol.
they are looking a little better now but i am not convinced my home made rings give enough micro bubbles. Had to use an airstone for the res as decided more d.o is better. the amount of air it pumped up was far better then the big bubbles from the rings so a rethink is in order. lol.
quick update again as nothing happening really yet. More air is needed i think so am on that one. roots seem slow to take off too so think air will allow more vigorous growth there too.
ppm 746 ph 5.6 ( added 5 ml up)
I was thinking about putting the BG41 and SL in either DWC or the Dripper system. I've not decided yet wether or not it's a good idea and to just get some more soil. I'll need to get some new airstones if I'm going DWC. Have you had any experience with those flat wide airstones that stick to the bottom of the res. They look pretty good. The last time I did a DWC grow which was about 4 years ago now I didn't think that there was enough bubbles. The plants were good but my friend who grew in a similar style with the same nutes had way bigger and stronger looking plants. He reckoned that it could have been because my roots weren't getting enough air. He had a better pump as well and when I saw how violent the water was in his res I wondered how the roots weren't getting mangled lol. If I do the dripper I'll need new pebbles as I don't trust the ones I have. Even though I sterilise them after every use I always get springtails.
I was thinking about putting the BG41 and SL in either DWC or the Dripper system. I've not decided yet wether or not it's a good idea and to just get some more soil. I'll need to get some new airstones if I'm going DWC. Have you had any experience with those flat wide airstones that stick to the bottom of the res. They look pretty good. The last time I did a DWC grow which was about 4 years ago now I didn't think that there was enough bubbles. The plants were good but my friend who grew in a similar style with the same nutes had way bigger and stronger looking plants. He reckoned that it could have been because my roots weren't getting enough air. He had a better pump as well and when I saw how violent the water was in his res I wondered how the roots weren't getting mangled lol. If I do the dripper I'll need new pebbles as I don't trust the ones I have. Even though I sterilise them after every use I always get springtails.
Having loved coco the change to rdwc was a pain in the ass. so far not really seeing the amazing growth difference due to my initial grows errors. Am hoping this one takes off flying but do think that my rings were not powerful enough. I run two big haliea pumps so the amount of air is good , just need to suss a better bubble maker. stones can be noisy on the bottoms and created such a hum on the floor of the loft. even tried car sound deadening pads and surfaces but still rumbled. The rings killed all the sound off and the bubbles look ok , big but ok . Now seeing the micro bubbles hammering the surface and raising it up , i need stones. Do the flat pads make noise ?
Do the flat pads make noise ?
No idea but they have those rubber sucker feet so maybe that would help with vibrations. One thing I really liked about the dripper system is that it's pretty much silent. The pump only runs a few times a day for 15 minutes at a time and when it is running I can't hear it over the sound of the fans anyway.
No idea but they have those rubber sucker feet so maybe that would help with vibrations. One thing I really liked about the dripper system is that it's pretty much silent. The pump only runs a few times a day for 15 minutes at a time and when it is running I can't hear it over the sound of the fans anyway.
i know that fan sound !!. makes me wonder how the fook nobody else can seem to hear them. i hear all the water drops, bubbles , fans , flys farting......
sadly i think the room fan is by far the noisiest bit of kit. The air pumps are a close second if not put in boxes and dampened. Sounds like a helicopter launch lad when i pop the hatch.!!
UPDATE: Veg day 13.
Phew its a scorcher in the UK ,with a heatwave from nowhere driving my attic into 36°c. Holy shit its hot. The girls have coped really well with last few days of heat too high. I think using the co2 helped and also used a product for heat stress prior to it hitting. The growth over the week has been good. They are recovered nicely and building a good rootmass for the majority. One or two need to catch up but as long as the planned scrog fills the net , i dont mind who shows off the most !. I did have a rodent issue to deal with and also the leak from a bucket getting blocked but it meant a good rethink of a few areas. Have now replaced all the air stones ( after replacing the home made soaker ring diffusers !!!) , and am now using 6inch ceramic flat stones. The drop in rumbling noise alone was the goal but the amount of D.O is phenomenal compared to the original soakers and even the balls. Wish i had realised about the soakers being so shit in my last grow !!!!!. Does explain the low yield though.

Having the support in here from experienced rdwc guys and also from errors of the last grow should give me the tools now to nail this medium properly. I feel confident in learning a lot from simple screw ups mainly but also having to re do the room to suit the medium.
Next step is the air pumps out of the room ( these suckers get hot !!) so i can dampen their thrumming finally,lose some more heat and allow more space for the scrogging.
The Ppm has been steady as the water levels drop but to be expected at the moment with roots just taking off.
Good to hear that you got the stones sorted out. They sound great so I may grab some next week. Man it's hot! I've had 2 tans this year already and it's only coming to the end of April in the uk lol. That's unheard of. Shame about the mouse but it was a disaster waiting to happen. Worst case senario it could cause a fire in the attic. Not worth that risk. Looking good GG!
Good to hear that you got the stones sorted out. They sound great so I may grab some next week. Man it's hot! I've had 2 tans this year already and it's only coming to the end of April in the uk lol. That's unheard of. Shame about the mouse but it was a disaster waiting to happen. Worst case senario it could cause a fire in the attic. Not worth that risk. Looking good GG!
weather has changed out of proportion here. No winter at all , next to no rainfall so far either. Last year was similar too. Maybe some truth in the pole shift after all. Soon be holidaying back at the uk coast instead of expensive abroad deals.
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