Question on police thermal imaging camera

what the heck is that supposed to mean. i can't afford ir blocking film. that's easy for you to say you live in cali, i don't. i need my medicine and it sucks that i have to be worried about that.

I'm sorry man.Not trying to upset you. Just saying if you are really sweating it that bad then maybe the anxiety of it out ways the benefits? We can't sit here and say hay man don't worry everything will be just fine. We can say it most likely will be ok and don't worry too much about it. But you seem to be pretty nervous about the heli's going over. Move it to your basement if that makes you feel safest with the cops over head. Wish I had a helicoptor and FLIR to check for you and give the the ok :peace:
i wasn't upset just venting. i can handle the anxiety it just pisses me off that i can go to my doctors once a month and get a script for 100 vicodins which only help my pain a little but i can't legally grow and smoke a natural herb that controls my pain and does nowhere near the damage that the v's do. i keep a close check on the v's and take no more than 4 a day even though i would like to take more.i don't want to get hooked on those things. i am hoping that once i get a good grow going with a steady supply i can cut the v's down to 2 a day(at work)i haven't started my grow yet but i will do it in the basement i just want to make sure that i have all my bases covered.
I was pretty paranoid about IR and the cops busting my grow. I even went as far as purchasing my own thermal imaging camera to monitor my house. After a few checks I found that there is hardly anything to fear from IR if you insulate properly. I used insulation (R80) and sheetrock in my grow room and have 0 thermal signature even with all my lights and heaters going strong. If you build your room like you would any other room in your house (I.E. correct insulation, sheetrock and joint compound) you should really have absolutley nothing to worry about.
it's easier to do it in the basement. we'll see how it goes. but i have followed the cardinal rule and not told anyone.
Check out "Block IR".

From a hydro site:

A revolutionary new security product, Block-IR is made from NASA developed Infra-Red blocking technology. The two outer layers of Block-IR material reduce thermal imaging heat signatures by 97%. Each layer if Block-IR material is bonded to a durable layer of polyurethane for strength. An inner layer of insulation prevents conductive heat flow. An additional layer of polyurethane gives Block-IR high reliability and strength. Completely line any space with Block-IR for a 97% reduction in thermal imaging reduction. Don't be fooled by thin, cheap imitations that don't provide complete protection. This is the real deal. Accept nothing less. Foil tape is required for proper installation (below).

With IR gun





I'm not sure about these images, the i r blocker is made from non food grade metalllised bubble wrap, like the home depot stuff, it will block a thermal imaging camera for a little time, but when the lights have been burning on to it for a few hours the heat gets retained within the structure of the material, ie in the actual air pockets in the bubbles, so after a few hours this stuff starts to build its own heat signature!.
Try it yourself !
put some near a strong heat source (kettle , fire etc) for a while (30 mins) then try wrapping it around your hand, its hot you can feel the heat!
As i stated before we over in Europe (Netherlands, UK,Spain etc) use the Lightite range from Easy Grow, its been around for about 8 years & we all know it works!!! i've included pictures of my last set up.
We can buy metal bubble wrap to insulate our lofts etc from any home DIY store, but we dont.
Easy Grow | Worldwide suppliers of reflective foils to the horticultural industry since 1998 & Green Planet Wholesale | Hydroponic Products Distributor
Sunlight Supply®, Inc. | Indoor Horticulture and Hydrogardening Wholesale Supplies | Premium Aquarium Reef and Lighting Products
Cops are horrible, I almost feel sometimes that they have quotas like the salesmen at a cell phone store.

Dude I think about my grow everyday, everyday I look out the window and think... "today is the day". If I get home from class and my house is still police-free I celebrate, If I get home from work and all my stuff is still there I celebrate :Rasta:

I ALWAYS think worse case scenario, I even say it all out loud.. "well the worst that could happen is..." It puts a strain on my relationships I know it does but it has always kept me safe. Because when you think like that you can plan for almost everything, you will feel CONFIDENT when you are PREPARED.

IR scans, you should be able to say...
"i've done everything I can (and some things I probably shouldn't), and if thats the way they catch me then they were cheating."

It sounds stupid but preparing for every contingency NO MATTER WHAT IT IS is the only thing that keeps me sane with multiple felonies in my house.

The United States of America is a dangerous place to be playing games nowadays, the government no longer feels the need to report to the public that employs them and WE ARE AFRAID. Because in a police state they can do whatever the hell they want.

YOU HAVE TO PLAY BY THEIR RULES. That's the only way to win.

Im trying to help but it might come out ranting, and I apologize. Hopefully seeing how I deal with it might help you?

ok motts if I can't set you straight no one can first off if you have a bassment what the heel are you doing NOT growing in it everyoine here wish they had that perfect for veg and flower tamps and everything.second think of in the winter and personal heaters for the unwealthy thekind you buy at walmart. they give of more heat sigs than the lights do one or two you are fine dont trip I have had the same fears so has everyone here. some are nice enough to post the grows, and how nice of them huh?.\\

and as you can see they all arn't legal but that we can not discuss but we can discuss your sit. you are fine even where your are just watch out for smell it is the bigggest prob if you have get a carbon filter THEY WORK and are woth it, the good ones last 18months & IT I S WORHT IT. main thing is to keep your kool and keep it shut to everyone even the riend you have known since diapers,lol.

think about a prtch light most are 400 watt mh look on the net, the smell is ok turpenes are a great thing and that is one the reasons you grow that bomb ass smell of your OWN shit you grew that smells like dank ass diesel gow it smoke it love it and never forget it .
A few comments, and questions. First I'm new to growing myself, as I was searching for ways to mask the heat I ran across several clips on you tube, you might take a look and see what you can find. 2 things that I have considered for my own privacy is 1 venting the heat under the house it spreads it evenly, if that's not an option try your chimney that help by getting the odor up high and hell Fire places get hot, so if you fireplace is showing hotter its got good reason. the video I watched showed an actual room from the street and you could see the extra heat compared to the surroundings. FLIR can not see through walls, roofs, etc it can only pick up heat diffs. I don't know as much about growing as I do FLIR as I was a Mech on the F-16 Falcon which carried FLIR pods and seen tons of video. If I only knew as much on growing I would be set, it was the military that gave my 2 artificial knees and nothing but really yucky pain pills to keep me happy, I havent touched a Pain pill in 12 years thanks to this beloved plant, and I would say im 80-90% pain free. ne1 ways its how you vent your heat that makes the big diff. I actually ran a line off of my heat and air unit in the attic to cool my room and pump it out the chimney. Peace brother I hope something here helps ya.;)
Check out "Block IR".

From a hydro site:

A revolutionary new security product, Block-IR is made from NASA developed Infra-Red blocking technology. The two outer layers of Block-IR material reduce thermal imaging heat signatures by 97%. Each layer if Block-IR material is bonded to a durable layer of polyurethane for strength. An inner layer of insulation prevents conductive heat flow. An additional layer of polyurethane gives Block-IR high reliability and strength. Completely line any space with Block-IR for a 97% reduction in thermal imaging reduction. Don't be fooled by thin, cheap imitations that don't provide complete protection. This is the real deal. Accept nothing less. Foil tape is required for proper installation (below).

With IR gun





These cameras only pick up heat being pumped out of a place. They are not xray cameras as some would lead you to believe. Just as in the examples given here any time you see pictures of lights and tables or anything like that the camera is inside the grow area. Any material being sold to you for masking purposes or whatever is a waste of money when the only thing you have to do if you need to exhaust is to disperse it throughout or underneath your house.
Don't let images like the one above scare you or waste your dough since unless you ask the cops to photograph your grow room your ok! Heat being pumped out the side of your house other then the dryer vent could then be suspiscious in case of IR cameras.
Exactly. It is a total invasion. Cops could be watching thermal images of intimate moments and such. Especially when looking at your home. Your home is your sanctuary where you should feel safe and not intruded upon. They would have to have a good reason to be watching your house with FLIR. Keep it small and keep it personal. :peace:

Guys or gals...this is Holywood stuff you're talking about here Mcbudz...we have been sold lies on this subject...FLIR is not a xray camera and cannot catch jack shit of what your doing to your wife unless the camera is in the room catching the heat coming off of you at the time...LOL...check Barry Coopers dvd on never get Raided...he was a cop!
i was watching a show on mythbusters the other night and saw where they were trying to beat security systems. ie. fingerprint scans, motion sensors , and yup you guessed it thermal imaging systems! and they easily beat the thermal imaging systems by holding a large piece of plate glass in front of thier body. i did some thinking and also remembered seeing a show where a helicopter was chasing a car using flir(foward looking infrared radar) and everything on the car and surrounding builinds glowed to some extent except for the windows which were all black. hope this helps someone for it would seem to be a cheap method to hide ir signs. oh but remember to have the glass not directly touching a hot surface.

Yes of course cause FLIR can't see through shit but put your warm hand agains the glass and you'll see the hand imprint even after you remove it until that area of the glass is back to the temps of the rest of the glass..
Think heat not xray...
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