I feel no need to do your homework. As you seem to need some direction, try googling
This is not how adults handle a disagreement.
If I come up and say I've found proof that all pigs are capable of unassisted flight, and you (rationally and naturally) challenge whether that proof exists, I do not get to turn around and tell you if you want to see it you should find it yourself. That's childish.
Furthermore, it's an informal logical fallacy. It's called an "argument from ignorance" where basically it is asserted that a position is correct because it cannot be proved false.
If I don't believe the studies exist (which I'm beginning to believe ever more strongly since you're so hesitant to produce them) I cannot be expected to be impartial in the search for them.
Take for example two objects: God and bananas. One can easily be proven to exist, the other is not easily proven to exist. However, let's say I had never actually seen a banana and was skeptical they actually existed. You insisted they did. Now which makes more sense, to insist that I look for bananas to prove they exist, or to have someone who knows both that they exist and (more importantly)
where they exist get one and present it as evidence of existence?
I could look in a great many places and find absolutely no bananas, then come to the false conclusion that bananas do not exist. Similarly, I could spend a great deal of time trying to find God only to come up empty-handed as well.
Say I found plantains instead of bananas. I could come to many false conclusions about bananas if I thought I had found them but had actually found something similar, but not the same.
So if I go Googling for the legendary studies you claim exist. How would I know whether I had simply not found them yet as opposed to them not actually existing? And if I found one, how would I know it was what you were talking about? Perhaps it was a similar, but not identical study that came to different conclusions.
YOU say the studies exist. YOU say they refute what I've said.
YOU bear the burden of proving that to be so. I've stated my side. I can't do your job too.
Well I can, but if you leave it up to me you'll invariably lose if for no other reason than I want to win. And I think you're wrong. It would be very difficult for me to formulate a winning argument for you when I think you're wrong.