PW's Perpetual Playhouse

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Mango leaf gall midge is what I find on the google for a "looks like this to me".
Kinda looks like a baby mantis. Cute
That is what I thought it looked like .
Thanks kismet .

I’m going to review baby or pre mature mantis
Mango leaf gall midge is what I find on the google for a "looks like this to me".
Yup just found it good find I did try to search for you early but came up short on my end . I’d say neem oil maybe ?
Do you know what to do to get rid of them?
Not on cannabis plants.
I just recognized them from when I previously worked pest control. We get them around the lakes here. But most of what that company used for spray was straight toxic... scorched earth shit. I'll dig into my books to see.... I've yet to find as bug that can't be killed with Neem, Pyrethrins, Spinosad, or alcohol sprays...

Is it an infestation? Or just one?.... pluck that little bastard off and keep eyes peeled for it's cousins.... probably just lost.
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