PW's Perpetual Playhouse

Hi PW I've been seeing this in the garden lately. It's kind of silver and won't wipe off. It covers only a small part of the leaf. Have you seen it before? Hoping it isn't PM
one reason I don't think I'll ever grow outside is the risk of disease and mites...PM is more easily controlled if it finds its way inside(burning sulfur) cukes and various squash get it every year, and this year was the worst ever...high humidity, and less wind were relevant factors...then when you get some wind...blows the spores over everything...cheerz...h00k...:rollit::passitleft:
Outdoor plants get their little spots and chewed leaves though.
It really is different completely than the tent. I learned we have a lot of bugs that haven't introduced themselves till this year too. I think this whole growing experience has been a lot of fun. It broke me into learning a new skill to hone, and brought me here. Fun Place Good People. It is quite possible they are just spots. Funny story. I laid the whole house with traditional hardwood floor. ( I do some cabinet making for fun only) Come time to finish it talking to the sales guy about sand paper grit, etc. He stopped me mid sentence and said" It's a fucking floor otter" We both laughed. I can get out of hand anal i guess with little things. (they're still important)
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