Purple Pics

Oh I have all the patience in the world my friend, and I certainly didn't mean anything by it.
My butter machine is eagerly waiting for harvest :yummy: and I'm so stoked to try it!!
I know you do. Sorry I didn't mean you weren't. @Rexer
I have a mesh wine making bag I use for all my trim.
12 hrs on low with the butter then I lift the bag out.
Let cool and everyone gets a half pound.
Everyone loves my butter.
I make chocolate too with it. Big favorite too.
Unfortunately everything trimmed today is getting composted.
Since my equipment is all packed ready to go I can't use it.
I still have a couple pounds in the freezer. :eek:
Don't know what to do with.
Ok that’s all I can handle today.
Back in to the dark. Tomorrow’s going to be busy.
Lots left to trim and then convert the room to my new @OfficialWEEGrow VEG room
until we move.

So yesterday was a wash out.
Never even got to the flower room.
Still so much to do with the move.
I’ll have to trim buds off the branches for rest of the harvest as I only have a couple days and I’m away again.
Hopefully they dry enough to jar before I’m gone.
Here we go Gorilla glue under the knife so to speak.

So yesterday was a wash out.
Never even got to the flower room.
Still so much to do with the move.
I’ll have to trim buds off the branches for rest of the harvest as I only have a couple days and I’m away again.
Hopefully they dry enough to jar before I’m away gone.
Here we go Gorilla glue under the knife so to speak.

It`s a full time job. Can`t wait till I retire and I`m able to start a grow room and really get into it. Your plants look great!
It`s a full time job. Can`t wait till I retire and I`m able to start a grow room and really get into it. Your plants look great!
Thank you so much @Irishflowergrower not my best work.
But a couple pounds nonetheless.
I have everything packed so I can't even process it into the medical products I need.
So jars and and wait for now.
I appreciate you dropping by my friend. :love:
My drying room is gone so I’m using a make shift set up.
Strings hung in spare room down stairs.
At least It’s cool and dark.
And today’s harvest all went on drying rack to expedite drying. Not my favorite but has to go in jars Thursday before I head up north again for a few days.


Here are the clones going into the new @OfficialWEEGrow
Veg room.
Unfortunately they will have to wait until I get back to get their new home.

So this is the yard at our new location. @Bud Love I need a gardener.
Lots of room for a huge outdoor grow.
But here is the Gem
Wait for it.

End of July the new flower room goes into operation.
Hopefully I don’t have to leave again until then.
So tomorrow I’ll set up the new
Official we grow veg room and start over.
Time to start the fun again.
In the meantime waterfront.
We have our place to retire.
Never move the girls again.

Hi Bill. That looks amazing. Glad you got there in the end.
When can we come and visit:laugh:
You are welcome any time.
End of July we take procession.
I’ll have a room just for you.
We are really happy for you both. We might take you up on that offer one day. We are planning a gold panning trip in Colorado and then up to Alaska. So we will be on the right side of the world:laugh:
Can't wait to see the new grow set up either.. I bet you are all excited:)
We are really happy for you both. We might take you up on that offer one day. We are planning a gold panning trip in Colorado and then up to Alaska. So we will be on the right side of the world:laugh:
Can't wait to see the new grow set up either.. I bet you are all excited:)
I'm thrilled mucker.
We would love to have both of you.
Just get here ill handle everything. :green_heart:
Can't wait.
I'm going to hold you to that.
It would make our trip special.. thank you..

I'm off to bed now mate.. up early for work.
Take care and speak soon
Take care mucker.
End of July the new flower room goes into operation.
Hopefully I don’t have to leave again until then.
So tomorrow I’ll set up the new
Official we grow veg room and start over.
Time to start the fun again.
In the meantime waterfront.
We have our place to retire.
Never move the girls again.

Wait this is your property now? omg
Wait this is your property now? omg
Hey @copperrein hope you are well my friend.
Yes woohoo all ours end of July. Finally managed to get one.
Our original property was scouped from under us.
But I don't care now.
Its an amazing location lots of room to grow.
Ceiling in New flower room is 12 feet high at peak. Woohoo.
I'm just thrilled.
So this is the yard at our new location. @Bud Love I need a gardener.
Lots of room for a huge outdoor grow.
But here is the Gem
Wait for it.

Me the missus and kids will take a live in job :thumb: lt looks like a little bit of paradise :goodluck:
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