Purple Kush x Blue Dream Hybrid Grow - 2014

Good Afternoon everyone! Sorry for the late update, but its been quite an interesting day. So...after 5 constant days of overcast weather and rain, the sun decided to show itself...for a few hours lol. However, I was able to snap some pictures before the rain came back and here they are!


UK1 - Flowering day 28 (Sativa dominant plant)
-Bud production has really picked up in the last week

-Here's a look at whats going on in the middle section of the plant

-Calyx clusters starting to take up the whole main stems

-Trichome production looking pretty good to me! Nice and frosty! Also, starting to smell pretty sour with hints of coffee :circle-of-love:


UK2 - Flowering day 21 (Indica dominant plant)
-Increase in bud production in the last week. Starting to stack up.

-Also much more purple on the stems. Even creeping down the main stem. Bottom of stems are still green though, so im not worried. Actually pretty excited.


-Trichomes developing nicely, and its starting to get a sweet, fruity scent!


Hope you all enjoy! Ill have more pictures and updates for you after a feeding in a few days. They were both scheduled to be flushed today, but with rain the last 5 days, I didn't think that was necessary. I want them to dry out the next few days if possible. Just started bringing them into the sunroom the last 2 days to get them out of the storm but so they still get the full light. Lets keep out fingers crossed!
Looking really great!

I was wondering, are they autoflower strains? If not, I'm wondering what part of the world you are from; Where this much flowering has occurred this early in the growing season compared to where I am... it's interesting.

Keep up the good work :thumb:
Thanks Lester! I'm actually in the south east part of the US. My yard receives full sun all day, but I have a large wall that shades the plants heavily until around 9 am, and they then have full, direct sun up until it sets at about 8:45 pm. This has actually allowed me to grow outdoor and induce flowering a bit earlier than most. I keep them in the yard in full sun from rise to set during veg, then relocate them by the wall/fence when I'm ready to flower them out. Works like a charm :Namaste:
Hey everybody! The sun actually came out all day yesterday and it's set to be a BEAUTIFUL day today for my outdoor crop. I'll take some pics and post them around 2pm or so this afternoon. After they've soaked up a good bit of sun. Also going to do some defoliation today as recommended by KingJohnC. Day 31 for UK1, day 24 for UK2. Going to open them up to let light reach all the bud sites.

Right Now:

Hello there everyone, time for another weekly update! The girls were scheduled for a watering today but it's been overcast all day and there is a %40 chance of rain this afternoon and tomorrow so I'm going to hold off and let nature do it's thing. Lap so, it's 4 days after I defoliated both UK1 and UK2 and they are doing quite nicely! Now...picture time! First I'll start with a pic of the whole garden. Everything is coming in nicely :)

-UK1 day 35 of flowering. Really starting to put on weight. I enjoy watching the colas away in the light breeze like cat tails (or whatever those swampy plants are called lol)

-Also putting on a good bit of weight and crystals. It's already about the size of the short PKxBD lady harvested a few weeks ago. Exciting!

-UK2 day 28 of flowering. Buds starting to stretch and fill out. Resin production also picking up
Good morning everyone! I'll have update for you a little later but I wanted to share something with you all. In my research I stumbled across something called a "Thai Stick blunt" which might as well just be called a canna-cigar. It's composed of buds compacted together around a skewer and left until it solidified. Then it's wrapped in fan leaves from the plant and secured with wax. I didn't want to use a lot of my freshly grown cannabis until I had some practice incase I screwed up. Well, after about 4 days of building the stick, and a week of letting it cure, I must say this mini "Thai Stick" burned almost 2 hours and was truely an amazing experience. I encourage everyone to try to build one. Extremely satisfactory. Here's mine!
Good Morning everyone! Hope all is well with you and your gardens. Here with my (one day late) weekly update. I read I. A thread here that watering right after lights off (the sun sets in my case) with ice cold water can really bring out the color in your buds and increase resin production, so I figured...why not try it! Who doesn't like pretty, crystally buds?! So, during last weeks thunderstorms I collected about 40 gallons of rain water for my girls. I made ice cubes out of the rain water, and for the last two waterings, I simply placed about 2 trays of rain water ice on top of the soil, making sure not to touch the stem or plant with the ice. Over night, the ice melts slowly and drips into the soil saturating it quite nicely and I must say, the flowers are looking beautiful!

UK1 day 50 of flowering

Very resinous and smells amazing! Mostly cloudy trichomes. Some amber. The leaves are also starting to flush and lose their color. Think I'll be chopping her on day 56!

UK2 day 43 of flowering

Starting to plump up nicely! Smells amazeballs. Mostly cloudy trichomes, I may have seen an amber or two. Also starting to flush. Considering she's indica dominant, I actually may be harvesting her with UK1, but we'll see how this week plays out. Trichome shot coming soon.
Hey everybody. A little upset this morning. As I'm sure you all can tell, I keep a close watch on my girls including daily inspections. Yesterday we had a pretty severe thunderstorm and it rained for a few hours. First thing this morning when I went to inspect them, I found aphids AND spider mites under 2 of the higher fan leaves of UK2. I pulled off those 2 leaves and inspected the rest. I don't see anything anywhere else but I really need to know what can be done. They're on day 54 and 47 of flowering. They WERE going to get chopped this Thursday but now I'm not sure.

I have some DR. Bronners magic soap as well as jalapeños and garlic but I don't want to spray my buds and plants at this point in flower. Anybody have any suggestions? The leaves are flushing and the buds swelling and hanging. Advice?!
Have you seen any bugs on your buds? I would pinch off the infested leaves and spray with 1 tsp Dr Bronner peppermint soap mixed with 12oz water and then try to lightly shake any water out of the buds.

EDIT: Inspect for webs and try to vac those off with a shop vac.
Personally I would not use any kind of spray or chemical treatment at this point.

You are better off manually removing the infested areas by hand. Remove the leaves they are on and throw them away.

Examine the buds, thoroughly looking for bugs. Based off how they look after manually removing them, you may consider harvesting it sooner than you thought. It happens.

Usually when I have storm weather when my flowers are most mature, it entails that I harvest a little early because of chances for bud rot.

You never know until you crack open a cola if there will be rot or not or have caterpillars in there. Since your so close to harvest your just gonna harvest it anyway, so you basically made it to the end :thumb:
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