Purple Haze Pics

awsome, it looks like some kink of decoration your grandmother would buy for her house, or popoure(sp?)

How much did you average per plant, or if you only grew one, what did it yield?
MJ is such a beautful plant. So many variations.. Mother nature is awesome.. :adore:

This plant did not have a brain-numbing, word-slurring, eat-the-fridge, kind of a stone. But an excellent all around daytime/evening smoke - sort of energetic and motivating. It's especially nice in a joint or blunt - and I usually don't like to smoke j's and b's..

smells like sweet herbal tea... taste is the same...

Nice stuff - but it's still just weed.. :smoke2:

My wife saw that picture yesterday, and said, wow, I wish my wedding boquet had looked that good. LoL, some beautiful flowers MC, good work!

Thanks guys! She makes pretty babies too... :battingeyelashes:

Here's a couple of her offspring at about 4-5 weeks flower. :smoke2:


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