Prof Goes Guerrilla Growing 2022

Here is a potential future....

Sideways but what we have there is a London Mint Cake, a DNA Cake, a Stracciatella and a Holy Grail Kush. These may feature in this journal or maybe not. I was gifting them to a friend but I may take some cuttings as they all sound pretty good.
You can get a cheap sink strainer to put over the bottle opening that will help with your clogging issue. They make them in various sizes and they really help.
Thanks. I'm going out there again tomorrow to give them another squirt. With the bottle that is.
I was hoping not to have to visit them as often as I am but needs must.
Or even drape a piece of folded up cheese cloth to help fliter out the bigger chunks. You want the stuff that's dissolved into the water anyway.
Another good idea. Thank you very much. I can probably use some of Mrs Flora's tights. They'll be washed before I return them of course.
Hey Prof - just found this!!! Sounds like you are in for some fun!!! :thumb: I have sometimes just used a circle of cayenne powder or chili powder around the base of the plant. If they step in it then lick their paws, spit like crazy then bugger off!!!:goof:
Hey Prof - just found this!!! Sounds like you are in for some fun!!! :thumb: I have sometimes just used a circle of cayenne powder or chili powder around the base of the plant. If they step in it then lick their paws, spit like crazy then bugger off!!!:goof:
Hey, greenjeans. Welcome to the show.

I think that sounds like a great idea. This area that I'm growing in is going to be so covered in chilli that people will be able to smell it soon. I went out again today and gave them another blast.
Looks like they've been doused in Tabasco to me!
Hopefully they taste like it to. this!
Ok but you should see what else I have first.
Needs to pee whens you're there.
Something did a big number 2 out there last night. Looks deerish to me....

Hey all!

I went back out to the crop to give them another spray with some pepper. Worked better this time but the plants look sad. Actually they look quite happy, what's left of them anyway....

Apologies for the bad pics but it was raining and windy so I wasn't hanging around. You can see that the plants really want to grow but nature has other ideas. If these go down then we'll try another level of protection for the 3rd round. Plastic piping or some cages should do the trick.

The next plants to go out will be the photos which I've had sitting around for months now. I wanted to do them today but I ended up running out of time. I did however get some new seeds.
Today we got some new seeds so I thought we should germinate a couple....

These were paid for....

And the rest were 4/20 freebies....

That should keep us entertained for a while. I decided to run the Dutch Passion Frisians first as these are bread for the outdoors....

I even mixed up the seeds so we could play Duck hunt. SEEDS IN SPACE!....

Not sure which is which but one should stick out like a sore thumb....
Today we got some new seeds so I thought we should germinate a couple....

These were paid for....

And the rest were 4/20 freebies....

That should keep us entertained for a while. I decided to run the Dutch Passion Frisians first as these are bread for the outdoors....

I even mixed up the seeds so we could play Duck hunt. SEEDS IN SPACE!....

Not sure which is which but one should stick out like a sore thumb....

Wow! Lots of variety there. I would be interested in seeing your Frisian plants to the end. I've eyed them myself a few times.
The hot sauce spray is a good idea. I know some bird seed companies spray their seed with some sort of peppery mix. It discourages squirrels and chipmunks because they can taste it but apparently the birds can't.
My father used to keep parrots and their bird feed always contained chilli's which we would eat when we were kids lol. The African grey's loved eating chilli's and would often eat them first before any of the other seeds in the mix.
Wow! Lots of variety there. I would be interested in seeing your Frisian plants to the end. I've eyed them myself a few times.
I would absolutely love to see the Frisians to the end. To be honest I would love to see anything make it to the end lol. I think/hope that it may get a bit easier as the year progresses.
Nice 420 freebies! I hope both the plants survive so we can see which is which in the end. :)
Hopefully we'll be able to tell which is which within a week or two. Are you familiar with the Frisian Duck? It looks awesome!
Fruity Widow and Zombie Death Fuck caught my eye…. :laugh:
How about some Kosher Kush X Runtz lol....
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