Glad it was short lived.
Most of this so called "Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome" has nothing to do with the cannabis itself but Azamax that's been used as a pesticide.
Yours sounds like what you think might be which is mold or maybe a certain terpene.
And I wouldn't freeze your cannabis.
That stops all curing.
Just put the buds in jars with 62% Boveda packs after you've dried it to between 60 to 65% and store in a temperature stable room preferably 70 degrees or less and in total darkness.
After 6+ months cure the bud is way better.
Hey Nuny -
I appreciate the info, any chance you have some links to data pointing toward Azamax? I did use a couple of pesticides, I would need to check exact as that is almost a year ago. Spinosaid (SP?) & a Neem based product,, however if it were the pesticides, which in hind site probably were not needed. First grow and panic with some kind of beasties. I ultimately think I had mostly some gnats due to overzealous feeding.
I only seemed to react after my topical endeavors, and have since done new formula with zero issues. My consumption was considerably increased as well. I mean it was my first grow & total dry was well over a pound. The only time I ever had that much green was probably 30+ years ago in black market days & just made some extra cash providing to a few friends.
I went through that harvest FAST I think less than 6 months, winter grow was less yield but much less consumption. Less experimentation with tinctures and oils, now mostly any tinctures are from AVB only. When I had crazy symptoms I was trying decarb oven in masons, pressure cooker in vac bags as well as boiling same.
Used to heat my Green Dragon for reduction hoping to decarb any residual molecules. Certainly think I over did and ruined several larger batches. Either way my point I did much experimentation & tolerance naturally increased exponentially.
Now I just mostly use AVB seems bullet proof & if I wish to increase potency I just use a fan no heat. Works almost as fast and no risk of overdoing it. Though from what I read double boiler reduction shouldn't cause such degradation.
I also did not cure very long past grow is still in cure ball jars though I began at Boveda 62% my mold concerns and better longer term storage I dropped to 58% RH and have the meters also. Which IMO having 5% variable seems sloppy tolerance to me.
So my most recent chops were 4/20 totally coincidence & past 2 weeks almost all jars at 58%. Will need new grow soon last time I almost had to go black market. Couldn't get my baby's growing quick enough one reason less yield.
Anyway no real allergic reactions not even typical sinus issues when purchased from unknown growers. No pesticides used at all either. Also washed 60% of harvest, I was nervous washing so only first cuts were washed.
This plant is amazing to me in the subtleties in strain profiles and learning to manage my tolerance with a simple 2-4 day T - Break. doesn't go back to zero but certainly has reduced.
My favorite admin route is oral sublingual though I am gun shy reducing using QWET wash I did evap a bit one batch, 2nd batch i only let evap from the dropper bottle itself as such minimal reduction.
Seems the doses still similar potency, 1.5 droppers 1.5ml usually gives me a nice mood lift and increase in focus to get more medical / recreational hopefully sleep inducing dose ranges 4-5 droppers or ml's. My dropper is marked most of the ones I have aren't so they are estimated only.
I will try evap reduction again, I would love to get potency I hear of others requiring dosing by drop counts. Although most anecdotal reports describe dose by dropper.
Sorry for rambling a bit but I also began buyin high CBDflower which BTW is the most dare I say only method of delivery that provides me a noticeable effect. So now the AVB from that flower also goes in my GD so I know I get some decent full spectrum tinctures.
BTW - the taste of the CBD strains all less than 3% TCH 16% or more CBD. I tried eating a bit of my Malawi Cured bud which I will post back to that thread but all I can say is I misjudged required dose. 2 nights ago .6 gr last night just under .5 gr, while I got quite a nice buzz it was more than I wanted at the time.
Then I recalled I think using that bud I think I would be at .015 - .02 looking to replicate my tincture experiences. And the AVB vs Malawi cure is probably 60% weaker. Lots to track which is why I am really liking tinctures.
My one beef is anything aside from Vaping, AVB > Tincture is wasteful to me. I want to squeeze every bit of goodness for my hard work or money. When I ran low after first grow I went back to spent herb from tinctures.
I scoped it and saw trichs here and there so, I doubled my AVB edible dose and low and behold still had kick to it, Any method aside from combusting is going to leave noids terps etc. I guess depends how willing or desperate one is, or in my case 50% desperation 50% + curiosity.
Was on Grasscity yesterday on GD thread OMG! Over 1000 posts in that thread with some incredible decarb testing. My first tincture and probably best to date was decarbing my avb and do warm Master Wu GD recipe. I was so freaked I thought I totally burnt up all THC but nope, was killer 2 droppers & I was off to stratosphere.
Anyway thx to you and all members feedback it's been great wish I could post more. But I type like crap and I am a network engineer! Got into tech 2nd career swore earlier I would never touch a computer. But then my roomate says ya know games on computers are way better than Nintendo. That night & $2400 later I had state of the art PC no clue how to use it.
Multimedia was a "new" thing everything had to be tweaked to work yadiyada, one game changed my whole experience Doom! You could play real time against someone else on another PC! That and a global network at that time unknown to most of the US. PPl were maye on AOL, Compuserve, or Prodigy, I was obsessed to make these games work and work well on a network. So off I went to the first real dial up Internet provider, at the time scary stories of taking 4-8 hours to get the connection setup I was in! Overnight almost instant career change`, still amazed by technology as much as I abhor it or more so it's abuse by corporations. Just threw in I guess cuz I did session CBD which wires me up & provide insight as to my personality.
With picking up cannabis again now mid 50's after well over 30 year break I have similar obsession with how to grow, harvest, cure, process , figure out best ways it can help me in my life. Strange experience from early days, I actually stopped using cannabis about age 19-20 as I would always get paranoia. I would spout chemicals are safer ie: Cocaine, Meth, LSD, Shrooms, anything but heroin. Never a huge fan of booze either.
One thing though when i was a kid and consumed weed every day all day at least if I had access and usually did, I could function just as normal as w/o smoking. FF to now aside from Vape CBD flower or low dose tincture I tend to feel too high. I am certain some of that was youth, and I did smoke quite a bit, even one hitters when lucky enough to get in school suspension! Oh glory days small bowel pinch of weed cough to cover lighter sound inhale, hold until all smoke was absorbed. Never caught in that small room of maybe 10 desks literally in a closet & not one teacher ever smelled a thing.
So next was using my bong in study hall! same principal diligent teacher was always prowling looking for smokers of tobacco et al. So study hall was in cafeteria teach at front of room. They alway have their head down assuming working on grading or prepping classwork.
Then one day my pal was patrolling the smoking area outside the cafe and looked in saw me ripping on my ceramic bong! I think that was first time he nailed me. Suspension followed, but alas I was in a bathroom doing my trick same dude! walks in and must have heard lighter or I wasn't major stealth mode. 2nd Bust!
I was so scared of what my father would do I actually ran away until I was found few days later. Dad said if he ever caught me smoking weed he'd cut my hands off. Now I did not think he would do that but I knew it was going to be bad. So I tried to split like the dumb ass kid I was. Kinda worked out as my parents woke up they had a kid with issues. Also no charges filed cops felt parents went through enough.
No doubt I suffer from ADHD symptoms, anxiety, depression, self esteem issues that the educational system were not equipped to diagnose or assist with at that time. So anyone w / Psych 101 knows those early issues don't just go away, they haven't...
My main reason for cannabis reunion is to minimize pharmaceuticals as well as some night time recreation. I have yet to shed all of big pharma, but now only Kratom & Cannabis from 190+ mg daily of Oxycontin and a host of other opioids, over maybe 16-18 years. starting w / OA in hip. So replaced hip one, next year hip 2. Knees hurt like hell but where out quicker post replacement as such pain mgt for them until 2 years ago I had replaced.
Worse now than before, but opioids steal your soul. It's sneaky and just creeps in then the gov't decided to put the insane policy in place, insurance doesn't want to pay for specific pills, get treated like a junkie from Docs, lots of pharmacies, & fear of running out absolute hell.
I so struggled going from Pain Mgt opioids to Suboxone, instead rode out so far with Kratom & Cannabis. Still hard to motivate opioids give such a euphoric mood lift & the time for my brain to re-adjust allowing receptors to level out & my body to again make it's own versions takes a bit.
Sorry for off topic diatribe just helpful to get out there someone else may benefit. I continue my quest for big pharma options, a recent doc i saw was about how those in power maintain control over the rest of us like 99% of the world. I think it may have been Niccolo' Machiavelli was one of the first to come up with how to control "the people" it was him or maybe Plato basically paraphrasing here. The simplest way to control ppl is to decrease their self reliance...
I don't know that cannabis will cure all my ills but I can say due to recent medical issues and learning how we are just cogs really for consumption of these insane corporations. Pharma, New, Communications on and on. I recently learned that there are 2 lobbyists per Senator and that may be old data. It surely has opened my eyes wider to much larger sociopolitical / economic issues.
Well have to motivate to work hope I didn't wander too far off into the rabbit hole thx all from this site!