Prescription Blend Nutrients: Discussion, Pics & Test Growers Wanted

Well overdue for an update here!
I can't say enough about how easy it is to use and plants really like it.
Tho' I've had an issue with IPM additives not playing well with each other. Causing a slight root rot issue. And a little battle with fungus gnats on two plants.
All else is going good. Ranging from 5 to 7 weeks post flip.
Sep 5 Alive 101 Days, 39 Days of Veg, 52 Days Flip for "Flora"


Sep 5 Alive 101 Days, 39 Days of Veg, 52 Days Flip for "Wednesday"

"Fiona" Alive 101 Days, 45 Days of Veg, 46 Days from Flip.

"Morticia" and "Cousin IT" Alive 101 Days, 52 Days of Veg, 39 Days from Flip.



Group shots


Lordy you grow some beautiful plants!
Well overdue for an update here!
I can't say enough about how easy it is to use and plants really like it.
Tho' I've had an issue with IPM additives not playing well with each other. Causing a slight root rot issue. And a little battle with fungus gnats on two plants.
All else is going good. Ranging from 5 to 7 weeks post flip.
Sep 5 Alive 101 Days, 39 Days of Veg, 52 Days Flip for "Flora"


Sep 5 Alive 101 Days, 39 Days of Veg, 52 Days Flip for "Wednesday"

"Fiona" Alive 101 Days, 45 Days of Veg, 46 Days from Flip.

"Morticia" and "Cousin IT" Alive 101 Days, 52 Days of Veg, 39 Days from Flip.



Group shots


These "issues" certainly didn't stand in your way!!! Absolutely amazing garden. Looking forward to seeing those chop pics.
Lordy you grow some beautiful plants!

I was thinking the same thing. My girls are at day 46 of flowering and they don't look even half as good as yours.

No. I'm using GeoFlora. I guess I shouldn't have posted my comment above. I thought I was in Furcifer's journal. Sorry.
Now wait, I didn't mean anything by asking. I'm sure it's perfectly okay to post here. I was just asking if you were using the same nutrient line as Furcifer and having different results.
A few pics of my current plants on the Precription Blend. They seem to be loving it. The 3 under the scrog net are autos at day 27 and have only needed a few light feeds at half the week 1 veg dose so far. This stuff works for sure.
It definitely checks all the boxes. I saw no deficiencies or toxicities during my GSC grow and the 5 Killer Cookies is chugging along with it as her source of nutrients.
These "issues" certainly didn't stand in your way!!! Absolutely amazing garden. Looking forward to seeing those chop pics.
Thank you though I do believe that without a nutrient blend. Such as yours that allows you to manipulate to your growing needs. The outcome could have been a little different.
A little extra time on defense. Has just increased my knowledge and understanding of these minor issues. And ways to mitigate them.
New Nutrients, New IPM, New Lights and an old growing technique....I think this will be a successful grow in the end.

Also @beez0404 and @HashGirl thanks for the positive comments on my grow!
This product looks promising, I would love to do a test grow in my new RDWC setup.
Promising is an understatement. They are sensational




Here where I’m at and will be chopping today . I have been very happy with Rx blend and have already ordered more :Namaste:




Congrats on your upcoming harvest my friend @Mlburk1.
Beautiful work. :thumb:

Stay safe
Thank you @Prescription Blend for bringing these grows to life from seedling to flower.

Since October, I have been using this line and have had back to back amazing grows and harvests!

My first grow with you pictured earlier, my girls were only so lucky to be switched over halfway through veg to your nutrients and my girls took off immediately after.

Photos, autos, revegged, indicas, sativas and Hybrids all love this stuff!

These current ladies below are the first grows to have been pampered start to finish by PBlend and I am forever indebted!










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