Pre98 Bubba Kush Reversal: S1's & Crosses

the orange bubba today! :) shes putting out pistils

shes happy!
Hopefully they recover
there ok one of them seems unaffected the other one droops when the sun is on it soon as it goes into the shade she stands up!
That is great news. :thumb:
thanks kb it takes a load off now i think were looking at the middle of october should be fine sometimes the nights can get cool will see.
i debated to show the sour bubba because i messed it up so much but ill go ahead and show you what happens when you put them outside from the grow room to early in the season you get a plant that blooms in may and then reveges in july and then wants to bloom again when you want it to so here a few pics some of the existing b
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uds are simply stacking on but most of them are shooting branches im just going to let her go and see what becomes of it!
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