Praying leaves

The PPFD info was based on a hang height of 20 cm which is 8". In the photos that you've posted, the hang height looks to be significantly greater than 20 cm.

Changing the hang height of a grow light will by just a couple of inches makes a significant difference in PPFD. Per this page, at 12" there's 1440µmols of ePAR but ≈ 1020 at 23". Those measurements are at 100% power. If the dimmer is turned down to 50%, that will be in the 500µmols region.

The photos show that some of the plants have very long stalks which is a characteristic of plants that are not getting enough light. Per my first posting, 23k lux is good for seedling/early veg but cannabis will thrive at almost triple that amount of light.

Per ? re. VPD - VPD impacts transpiration which drives water/nutrient uptake. A good source of info on VPD is here.
Still getting some spots and curled up burned tips... What you recon?
I give it half dosage of nutrients, it never dries too much, not too much light, heat is max 28 and humidity 55%-62%.
I have 2 of those lights in my 4x8 I have never turned them up over 50%
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Stay safe
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