PotChimp's Soilless Sativa Grow

All the plants are showing hairs from an arm's reach away, so I went ahead and made a switch to the lighting. I decided to go with a 250 watt 35,000 lumen HPS, because it has more lumens than the two 150 watt HPSs together (16,500 each), plus I'll have less problems with heat control (it has a remote ballast I can keep on the outside of the grow tent). The two 150 watt HPSs will cover more of a light pattern in my 2' x 3' grow closet, which gives me a little of a problem with the 250 watt single lamp. Also, the 250 watt HPS did a good job on my recent Pineapple Express grow, so it should do good with these; having one less square foot to cover. The Kwazulu still hasn't pulled out of the wilt, and the only thing left I haven't ruled out is not enough lumens. Hope I didn't break the tap root.....
I'll post a pic as soon as I have a minute.
+Sativa (subscribed).
Flowering : Day 16 (with the 250w HPS lamp; back to the yellow pics)



Wild Thailand

Raspberry Cough (looking a little more Sativa)

Hopefully the Kwazulu will start to pick up under this light.
Look for a "custom" or "user" choice in your white-balance menu. If there is one, it's easy to set with a piece of white posterboard. Otherwise, if there is a "tungsten" choice that will drop the yellow substantially and give more presentable pictures (although they won't be exactly correct). Or you can adjust the pictures after you take them with GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program - kind of like a free (some would say more advanced) Photoshop). Once you got your "baselines" you could probably create a simple script to modify your images in batches. But adjusting the camera would be easiest.

What brand/model is it?
Oh - and if you find that great magical sativa, make sure you hang onto the genetics. I didn't save one because the yield was low (quite low, considering that after flowering for 24 weeks... they were almost ready, lol). After curing, well, I've been kicking myself ever since.
Look for a "custom" or "user" choice in your white-balance menu. If there is one, it's easy to set with a piece of white posterboard. Otherwise, if there is a "tungsten" choice that will drop the yellow substantially and give more presentable pictures (although they won't be exactly correct). Or you can adjust the pictures after you take them with GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program - kind of like a free (some would say more advanced) Photoshop). Once you got your "baselines" you could probably create a simple script to modify your images in batches. But adjusting the camera would be easiest.

What brand/model is it?

It's a cheap Fujifilm Finepix T (14 megapixel, 10x zoom). I'll try the settings on the camera, but so far I haven't found one that works. I was also thinking of getting a halogen light out of the garage and turning it towards the plants when I take pics to drown out the yellow. According to the breeders three of these Sativas are 11 weeks and the Kwazulu is 8 weeks flowering. I know not to expect a high yield so I'm not getting my hopes up there. Hoping to harvest the last three at least by the middle of January, though.
Flowering : Day 19
(tried to load pics and no luck)
I've applied BP Farmer's Pride nute program twice since I've taken the last pic. I have a third mixture in a gallon container with molasses and an air bubbler going. It will be ready in a day or two, but I need to water in between. I've rid the plants of the mineral deficiency, but the Kwazulu is taking a lot of time coming out of the wilt and may not do so at all. I'll flush it good the next watering to see if that helps in case it's something else.
Flowering : Day 29

Two of the Kwazulu

Wild Thailand

Indica-looking Raspberry Cough :(


Since the last pics I took I have watered (flushed the Kwazulu), trimmed the bottoms of the plants out a little, gave them the appropriate flowering week of BP Farmer's Pride nutes (3 days ago), and watered again today. The Kwazulu just won't come out of the wilt. It's probably my lack of experience. I'll get the stupid thing to the end of flowering though, 'cause I'll need the weed by then :) Otherwise they are looking okay.
Hey man one of your pictures some how got posted on my journal last night!
They look great! made mine look bad i just edited it out. Sounds like you have a interesting strain started. I will have to tag along on this one if thats ok, i like a good sativa buzz. :thumb:
Hooo-hooo-hoooo, haaah-hah-haaaaaah....sup chimpster?...girls are looking dope bro....I always think of all the jungle sounds at like the rainforest cafe, while I enter your grow journal.....word....:thumb:
Hey man one of your pictures some how got posted on my journal last night!
They look great! made mine look bad i just edited it out. Sounds like you have a interesting strain started. I will have to tag along on this one if thats ok, i like a good sativa buzz. :thumb:

The same thing happened to me. Some pic of a nice looking flowering bud kept coming up every time I tried to add my pic and I had to keep editing it out. Weird.
Yeah the Sativa buzz does rule. Hope my efforts don't disappoint..... :)
Hooo-hooo-hoooo, haaah-hah-haaaaaah....sup chimpster?...girls are looking dope bro....I always think of all the jungle sounds at like the rainforest cafe, while I enter your grow journal.....word....:thumb:

Thanks, CannaVince. I usually do the "OOH OOH OOH!!! AHH AHH AHH!!!" thing when I bend the colas over to smell them (after I hop up and down and beat my chest). Hoping these do well.
Flowering : Day 32

It turns out it was the amount of light with the Kwazulu. I put it up on a plastic paint can directly under the light after I rearranged them all. Shortly afterward it started coming out of wilt. These thin leaf weed plants need a lot of light I guess..... :scratchinghead:

I gave them all BP Farmer's Pride nutes just after this pic. Now that the Kwazulu problem may be gone things should go okay. It is already showing color in the hairs. Maybe it is just my eyes, but the hairs look pink. Skimpy pickin's on this one I've got a feeling...... :(
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