I've noticed the same thing, Brother. The nodes are stacked right on top of each other and it tends to take forever to veg and still grow very short.I forgot to take a pic of the fourth and last one, but here's three of the chop day X-Mas Bud plants:
Nice and dense
If I had it to do over (I may, depending on the buzz), I'd defoliate them a lot during bloom. They grow dense, so I'd avoid doing them this time of year again. I got lucky that I didn't get grey mold this time. They don't stretch much either, so I'd grow them a lot longer also.
I'm thinking, in addition to defoliation, it may not be a bad idea to remove every other node, but I'll see how mine look once I get them into some big containers. Right now, all my XB's are bonsais in 2" or 4" containers, and I have two being flowered out now (really, after being sexed to get samples) in 4" containers in my small breeding cabinet that look like this:
Yours look great, though!
Shaped just like Christmas trees and nice & frosty! How do they smell?