Pot whiskey

But how much sugar is there in a marijuana plant? I'm pretty sure it's not enough to make its own wine.

I think the best way to do this is to make a wine that you would normally drink. And, while it's aging, make a tincture that you would add to the wine.
there's loads of alcohol/cannabis beverages waiting to hit the market here.

nobody knows where they should be sold or how to regulate them. liquor stores can't sell cannabis, and dispensaries can't sell alcohol. but there's literally piles of them out there. has to be some industry write ups on the process.

just do a little google research. the big brand names in the liquor industry are front and center. diageo, corbys, etc are all involved. those two names alone distribute the majority of alcohol on earth.
My plan today was to filter my weed wine (actually a mead) and bottle it today. After drinking a four ounce sample of it, I took a very long nap.

Perhaps tomorrow...
I had to double-filter this mead. There was so much sediment in it!

Unfortunately, I'm not getting the same buzz I did with the first batch. I don't think the filter had much to do with it but, rather, the strain used. I don't even know what the strain was in the first batch; it was bought off the street. This time, I know, the strain was Dark Angel, a strain not known for high thc.

The problem could be how I decarbed. I stuck the weed in pure grain alcohol for two month (someone said this method worked). After that, I put the tincture in a double boiler to reduce it.
I seen on here someone that wanted to make wine out of cannabis. We just recently got a distiller and being a 420 enthusiast of course I want to try and ferment some weed come harvest . So what I am wondering is if anyone has done this and has been successful with a good recipe
I don’t know anything about weed wine but infusing hard liquor with cannabis is easy. I’ve got a jar right now filled with vodka that’s infusing with weed, lemon balm and Douglas fir needles.

Just decarb the weed for about 40 minutes at 240 F and pour liquor over it that’s at least 80 proof. The decarbed THC will dissolve in the alcohol just like it does in butter when you’re making pot brownies or whatever.

The only difference is you should give it more time to infuse — I’d say at least a week of daily shaking just to be on the safe side.
Actually, I sampled it prior to filtering it and I felt the thc in the glass.

I find it odd that the filter would scrub out the thc.
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