Post Your Polyploids

Guys what we are seeing is fasciation unless the whole plant is effected.

Polyploid = whole plant
Fasciation = single branch.

Really would love a genuine polyploid to see just how big the buds are cos from what iv seen as far as fasciation is concerned are hollow buds full of stem. Really cool to look at but I hate getting them now haha.

Good read..I have the 4 main branches that express polyploid and 4 secondary ones.
"Guys what we are seeing is fasciation unless the whole plant is effected. "

Yup, i think thats the case.

Plants with abnormal growths: The interesting phenomenon of plant fasciation

My experience with fasciation has been via people doing plant virus research at work but it can be caused by other things.

If its viral and showing on cannabis plants then its probably something that may get transferred between grows, especially if your doing a "perpetual grow" in the same space.

I looked into the whole colchicine thing, as years ago heard about it as a way to get polyploids for potency. Decided not effective or reliable enough and colchicine is horrible toxic carcinogen in people. What i have at the moment a locally bred WWidow cross with an industrial variety. Not as potent as straight WWidow but gets me pretty ripped, makes good tincture so all good. :)
This is my Purple Kush from seed.
She has never been topped or trained at all yet. All the growth is natural. I believe she is Polyploid.
Should I grow to harvest, keep for a mother plant, or clone a little prior to flowering?


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Looks like maybe fasciation, really don't see anything pointing to polyploidism.

Oh really? Interesting. It was suggest to me that it may be Polyploid but I myself have no real knowledge of these things since this is my first grow. Thanks for the info.
There is so much freakish growth out there it is hard to give it all a name. Some will name them all I am sure LMAO. Still I thought it was odd when I saw it the first time. Now I see something in every grow. Some plants just have a freak branch. One headband is making one of the weird ass tops on just one branch. I will get a picture later when it has formed better.

Still at least 4 other plants has had weird leaf or branch formation. Headband genetics seem to have it a lot. I have had one 2 growns in a row with Blueberry Headband and now a regular Headband.
the only snail bite out of 100 seedlings was on my poly sad.ultimate auto cross with green crack auto. looks healthy tho good soil morning to night sun. had a few triploids 2. im guessing colloidal silver pollination was the cause. the cross went well best features of both strains . best auto strain ive had by far green crack flavour and stability health but the density of ultimate .surprised how homogeneous the cross came very lucky .will seed up this strain again.

the cross was originally a mistake from cross pollination. only had a few seeds come out originally. but once i saw the performance i crossed on purpose.


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im considering getting some cuttings off the poly and forcing it to stay in veg with low light. or micro cloning. ill need more research its hard to know if it will work being a auto and all.
Thanks Pennywise, I'll definitely take a look at that :)
There are some great articles and a few university papers published on Polyploids, however not a lot on cannabis Polyploids. And even fewer pictures.
So i think it's great that everyone is here sharing what we can :)

Is the polyploid cannabis flower really that uncommon? I looked for pics on my own but never found one.
I posted this thread a while back about it.
I feel like this is pretty neat, being that we all can document this together.
I will be taking many pictures for this, but will only post choice ones.
Like these. ;)


I am dealing with over fertilizing right now. I wanted to push them both as far as I could for yield.
I have flushed the plant with the polyploid and gave it some fresh soil in a bigger container.
Buds are heavy now and having trouble staying up. They have been given assistance.
I am seeing alot of cloudy Ts, one in 20 are amber now. This flower is almost finished.
Bubblegum IBL self crossed hermie produced female only seeds that are polyploids with whorled phyllotaxy. No chemicals i say again no chemicals this is natural result of selfing inbred line.





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