Post harvest question


Well-Known Member

I chopped last Saturday. And I’ve been waiting and watching for my buds to dry. The stems are all still bendy. No snapping. Yet they feel quite dry on the outside and I’m able to cut and roll it up. And it smokes perfectly. And does not go out at all.

Is there a surefire to know if it’s ready to go into jars?


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I would put it up now, myself. I use a hygrometer in my cannavault. When the humidity gets to 62 then it s curing. After that, it’s up to individual tastes. I also use a boveda Pak, but you don’t have to. Just put in mason jars and open them every day to release humidity, and after a few days you notice they don’t have a grassy smell anymore. Then they are ready to smoke and will just get better all the time.
I would put it up now, myself. I use a hygrometer in my cannavault. When the humidity gets to 62 then it s curing. After that, it’s up to individual tastes. I also use a boveda Pak, but you don’t have to. Just put in mason jars and open them every day to release humidity, and after a few days you notice they don’t have a grassy smell anymore. Then they are ready to smoke and will just get better all the time.

Put it up? As in put in jars now?

I have mason jars, mini hygrometers for each jar and many 62 boveda packs.

If I were to put them in the jars, and start monitoring humidity percentage. What percentage would indicate that they are too wet and need to come back out?

I chopped last Saturday. And I’ve been waiting and watching for my buds to dry. The stems are all still bendy. No snapping. Yet they feel quite dry on the outside and I’m able to cut and roll it up. And it smokes perfectly. And does not go out at all.

Is there a surefire to know if it’s ready to go into jars?

I ve already tried dry and wet trimming, paperbags drying experience always brought me to realize I was jarring too early which made the buds taking at least 1 month to become smokable. Even when they feel dry outside they can still hold much water. That's why the stem snapping is a good method. Honestly it when you bend it doesn't snap for sure it s not ready to Jar. Be patient. Even if you room is dry I ve never seen a plant dry in less than 1 week. All the time it seemed to be dry enough, putting it in jars with boveda 62% lenghter the drying and curing process. The curing can't be efficient if the buds are too moist. Wait a bit. Even if the smallest buds may look ready don't worry they will regain moisture when in the jars with the bigger buds that take longer to dry and will rehydrate everything in the jar.
I dry mine hanging after being wet trimmed.
I keep temp at 70 to 71 and humidity at 55 to 58 and in the dark.
Usually takes about 10 days.
What I feel for is just that the bud itself feels dry but not powder dry.
I cut everything off the stems and put in jars with hygrometer, usually I am at between 62 to 68% at that point.
I keep burping as needed, if it's over 66% I dump it out on a table for an hour or two and put back in.
I try to get the humidity to at least 63% naturally without using Boveda packs until it's stable between 61 to 63%.

Then I put the Boveda packs in and burp daily for about 2 weeks.
Then burp every 3 days for 2 weeks.
After that if everything smells great then I just tighten them up and put them in a cooler in the most temperature stable and driest room in the house for long term storage.
Except for a taster bud or two I usually dont even uncork the first OZ for at least two months minimum.
I ve already tried dry and wet trimming, paperbags drying experience always brought me to realize I was jarring too early which made the buds taking at least 1 month to become smokable. Even when they feel dry outside they can still hold much water. That's why the stem snapping is a good method. Honestly it when you bend it doesn't snap for sure it s not ready to Jar. Be patient. Even if you room is dry I ve never seen a plant dry in less than 1 week. All the time it seemed to be dry enough, putting it in jars with boveda 62% lenghter the drying and curing process. The curing can't be efficient if the buds are too moist. Wait a bit. Even if the smallest buds may look ready don't worry they will regain moisture when in the jars with the bigger buds that take longer to dry and will rehydrate everything in the jar.

If I’m able to smoke it and have it stay lit light a cigarette, would that not indicate it’s reasonably dry?

I’ve been drying with a constant 65f and 55% humidity for the first 3 days and then 50% for the last 4 days.

My one plant with mega sized buds I think will need a few more days.
One thing I've learned here, is there is more than one way to do things. We all take the information we like and leave the rest. I like to slow dry and cure mine; I came to this realization after years of experience with what I wanted my weed to taste like and smoke like. I have some right now that is 10 days from cutting, and it is in the cannavault and right now at 69 percent. I won't smoke it until it gets to 62. That will take a couple more weeks or so. And even then, I prefer it when it is stable at 62 for three weeks and later. The flavors are more colorful. And I'm stoned right now, so sorry about the hyperbole. LOL. I guess what I'm saying is, you know what you want and how to get it there pretty much from the get go. Reasonably dry is when it is perfect for you. I had some Mazari grape once that was so dank, the resin soaked through the zig zag like oil. It was awesome. After it dried down, it was even more awesome. That's why I'm growing more of it right now.
If I’m able to smoke it and have it stay lit light a cigarette, would that not indicate it’s reasonably dry?

I’ve been drying with a constant 65f and 55% humidity for the first 3 days and then 50% for the last 4 days.

My one plant with mega sized buds I think will need a few more days.
I m no pro but what I ve seen many times in my garden is that when I was grinding the buds to smoke, if the inside was still a bit dark green is that it s not ready yet. Any good weed that I smoked in my life was alright light green when grinding. Last run I chopped then put buds in bags for ten weeks. They seemed pretty dry but the inside still a bit dark green. It took more than 1 month of curing to my Dinachem and the BG41 to taste like weed and not grassy like. Just my sharing as the most important like said before is how you like your weed.
weird thing to me is i had some lower buds that werent getting mucj light on the bottom of my canopy. they were almost a flourescent lime green. i thought they were rotting or something, they are drying now and look great actually lol.

i dont have much experience but i have definitely seen lighter green bud in the past, before i started growing, and wonder now if the reason was the same. which is the bud wasnt getting enough light so there was less chloryphyll ( the green color) in them
All 3 plants are now in jars at 62% humidity, with their boveda packs. 12.35 ounces, counting only premium buds. So I am definitely happy with that.

I ended up giving up on all the larf, there’s just too much trimming. So I gave up on caring about it!
I m no pro but what I ve seen many times in my garden is that when I was grinding the buds to smoke, if the inside was still a bit dark green is that it s not ready yet. Any good weed that I smoked in my life was alright light green when grinding. Last run I chopped then put buds in bags for ten weeks. They seemed pretty dry but the inside still a bit dark green. It took more than 1 month of curing to my Dinachem and the BG41 to taste like weed and not grassy like. Just my sharing as the most important like said before is how you like your weed.

that kinda sucks dude. if the buds were at 55% you missed the entire curing window lol. you gotta pull them and jar them somewhere from 69-65. curing doesnt occur once its below 60%. at that point the bud itself is too dry and is completely “dead” and cannot continue the processes that remove the rest of the chloryphyll
that kinda sucks dude. if the buds were at 55% you missed the entire curing window lol. you gotta pull them and jar them somewhere from 69-65. curing doesnt occur once its below 60%. at that point the bud itself is too dry and is completely “dead” and cannot continue the processes that remove the rest of the chloryphyll

I think that’s bro science. I searched high and low looking for something concrete regarding this. And I think it’s hogwash. Decomposition happens when the plant is no longer alive. I bet if it went below a certain percentage for a prolonged period of days, I might miss the cure. But I don’t think it dipping below 60% immediately closes a door that can’t be reopened.

If you have any kind of links or resources for me to look at. I’d love it!

In just one day in jars. I’ve noticed the hay smell is been replaced by a sweet fruity smell. So there is definitely changes happening.
The more and more I read about this. I feel confident I’m ok. Curing is an anaerobic process in which bacteria eat the chlorophyll and break down starches and such.

If I were to allow the humidity to get to a critically low level for a extended period. The bacteria would die off, and effectively “kill” the curing process.

It looks as if below 60% ambient humidity starts to see a decline in efficiency regarding the anaerobic processes, and the bacteria’s proliferation. And perhaps below 55% it starts to become inhospitable to the bacteria.

I still think this would have to go on for a period of several days at a fairly low percentage for this to truly close the door on curing.

Keep in mind, I come to this conclusion, not on experience. But by reading about the curing process through online resources! So I could be totally wrong!
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