Re: Popping My Cherry - Colesdad's 1st Grow - Doing Hempy w/ Autos For Medicinal Purp
At this point, I believe I have the world's smallest budding marijuana plant.....
Several days ago, with the help of others here, I decided I had a calcium problem. The best I could do was grab some Epsom salts. I watered and sprayed 4 days ago with water and superthrive. Two days ago I watered and sprayed with Epsom. The color is great and I've had no more yellowing, so I believe my calcium issue is solved by using the salt. Ideally I would have been able to get some cal-mag, but, it is what it is. The newest growth in NLBB#1 looks completely different than it ever has, which is the reason I think a bud is forming, she also has little white hairs popping out between the stems and stalks. Of cours, is so hard to see because she is so small.
Mrs Mango's growth at the very top is SO thick, I'm assuming that budding is happening.
NLBB#2 is still the smallest, but she is green, so I'm happy.
According to their life span, they should be blooming around now. I'm not really that disappointed, I'm kinda of proud that I was able to do this. Taking something from seed and growing it completely. I know my journey isn't complete, but im ready for it to end. I have two seeds left, another Northern Lights X Big Bud auto and a Delicious Cheese auto. Next grow, will surely be better.
Here is NLBB#1. The second pic is the reason for my question of, is this a bud.
NLBB#2. Poor girl, she still lives, but she has had it rough.
And here is ms Mango. Her newest, top growth is so freaking thick. Another reason I think she has stepped into flowering.
So, what do y'all think?