Popcorn in ya kitchen!

hey popcorn, if you can get dry ice, you can crush a few pounds of it up and put your ice cream mix in a stand mixer. then add the dry ice .it will freeze your Ice cream in 5 minutes:)
I saw Heston Blumenthol do this so I tried it and it works great:cheertwo:
but it may not work with popcorn in the mix as easily

Hehehe fish i love where your going with this, i have been playing with molecular gastronomy for a few years now and its so fun especially when i charge people to eat it lol

I have actually done a recipe that is, Nitro Ice-Cream centred jelly, so you make your ice cream and then use Agar to thicken your jelly and then dip your ice-cream in the nitrogen, out, then straight into the jelly mix, the jelly will freeze around your ice-cream and is awesome.

Also you would be fine to add popcorn to it i would just suggest dipping the popcorn in the nitrogen first so it will become brittle and not stay soft.

:yahoo: :yahoo: i love talking food :circle-of-love:
Fish go and buy this book you will love it.

Thomas Keller - The French Laundry Cookbook.

You have no idea how much i envy the fact that you have the french laundry restaurant in america.
Fish go and buy this book you will love it.

Thomas Keller - The French Laundry Cookbook.

You have no idea how much i envy the fact that you have the french laundry restaurant in america.

but do you know how much one dinner is at the french laundry?
I know you do but there is no way in HELL I would ever pay that much for food that I could make at home. even if it looked like the way he or his chefs make it. I dont think the Fat Duck could change my mind either LOL
I do dig what they do but just cant justify a plate of anything that costs a 100 dollars, that is unless its a plate full of $10 bills:)
And I thought I could cook and actually knew something about it ...

Am I allowed to just eat what you make and go mmmmmmm? :yummy:

I'm scareded now! :yikes: :laugh:
Lol no need to be scared fluff we are here to help :cheertwo:

Yes i know what you mean fish to eat at the Fat Duck it costs £250 per person, so around $400, personally i have no objections to it but then that is how i make my living so i couldnt possibly object to it, but i completely agree with the fact that i dont need to go and spend that kind of money when i can do most of it myself at home.

Hmmmmmmm wonder if i can come open a Cannabis restaurant in washington or something as its all completely legal now ( anyone want to lend me £100k pleaaaaaaase) lol. :cheertwo:
lol a100,000 pounds euros what ever whont get you a food truck in washington:) and dont even think about colorado.
now that I think about it a food truck has some possibilities:hmmmm:.... the happy wagon :)
That would be awesome fish, just travel round the 3 states that allow it legally and provide a fantastic service for people and also how much fun would that be. :goodjob:
just have to becarefull and not get the munchies and eat all the profits:rofl:
Hey Everyone IM back and i will start adding to this thread again in the next day or 2, if anyone has any ideas of what they would like let me know and i will make it happen if its possible.

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year to you all ( a bit late i know ) :circle-of-love:
Right then i have been thinking and i think that it is time for a small snack like dish that we can maybe carry around with us so i am kinda thinking about the idea of recreating like a reeses peanut Bar but replacing the filling with pecan & canna butter i am just working out tempeatures at the minute as making a creamed caramel generally involves going a bit higher than 200 degrees.

so i will most likely do a sort of praline filling and a crunchy rice base, that you can just then make a few and carry them around with you, so if you need a bit of relief while youre out and about look no further than your pocket lol

will take me a day or 2 to get a recipe together. :thumb:

if anyone would like me to do a different flavour variation or something then post it up and i will add it in to the recipe.
Also if i can get the quantities worked out properly i will show you all how to make cannabis marshmallows, but i might have to wait for some bud to do it properly, and see how the cooking process affects the end result.
Cheers docdee, i am waiting for my current grow to come down so i have a good amount of trim, and popcorn buds to get a kilo or 2 of butter, then i can revise this thread and get some pictures up alongside the recipes.

Cool thread Popcorn :)

Have a few more pages to read through, but I might wait until I have some material to make the butter with. Got some trim drying now.
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