With the medical marijuana debate in the air alot lately it's made me ponder quite a few things.
My friends and I discuss it occasionally,alot of them don't smoke,have their opinions,they're varied but almost unanimously they agree that it has it's place and should be decriminilized.
It upsets me at times at the amount of ignorance that is still very prevalent on this issue in our government and society in this day and age.
I'll share a story with you.
It's been a few years now since my father has passed.
He was diagnosed with non hodgkins lymphoma.
Upon diagnosis the doctors gave him 6 months to a year to live.
My parents had great insurance and a top university accepted him for an experimental new treatment.
He responded well to this new treatment but still had to undergo additional chemo therapy.
This is where things got bad.
My father went from fairly robust to someone that had to have constant care as he became too weak to even do the things we take for granted in our daily lives.
I left my job so that I could assist my mother and try to lessen the load.
Getting my father to even eat was difficult at times.
I am and have been a marijuana smoker for a long time and knew that if I could convince my father to partake it would ease his nausea and stimulate his appetite.
Over the next 6 months I encouraged,explained,argued my opinion on this matter to no avail.
You see,my father was raised on the belief that marijuana was evil,illegal,and anyone who partakes of the herb is less than normal.
My father fought for a little over a year,a really hard year.
Unless you've had to deal with a family member dying of the disease it's hard to explain and still painfull writing about it even now.
He finally succumbed to the cancer and passed.At that point it was a blessing.
It could have been different.Would he have lived any longer?Hell yes,I believe that without a doubt.
Would his quality of life been better?Hell yes,anything is better than a morphine induced coma like state of being.
My point in all of this is that a simple plant could have helped my father in his fight but due to the lies and ignorance about the plant he was raised with he couldn't bring himself to help himself.
That type of mindset still exists in our government today.
It needs to go damnit.
I dream of a world where money isn't the factor in everything we do.
Where prison isn't a business.
Where government is for the people,by the people.
Where education is truth.
I dream alot and I miss my father.