Pooh's CFL Grow - First Grow! Soil - Bag Seed - Welcome Friends!

Re: Pooh's CFL grow, First grow! Soil, Bagseed, Welcome friends!

i know, the lights were the heat source, i needed to equip the reflector with a fan. now tho i have three cute little seedlings chillin under the lights :) :peace: :tokin: im so high right now dude i think i overdosed hardcore it just tastes so good and booooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmm!! :D
Re: Pooh's CFL grow, First grow! Soil, Bagseed, Welcome friends!

Ok lets see if i can post this update without having to edit, got lots of pics for yall! nothing too exciting though, exciting for me because I'm getting closer to the fun part every day!




So heres the little ones today :)
Heres the first one that broke surface,

Heres the second one that broke surface

and the third,

Family photo!

Oh and i was so high last night, heres the product of my imagination with a bar of foam, a razor blade and the best soda in the world,

Haha i carved it out perfectly to hold my pipe and lighter

Anyway heres some important stuff,
It seems that the first seedling that popped up is a different strain than the other two, so that makes it more fun! :)
Also I think I am going to post some pics here in a minute and ask you guys a question, just gotta think about it for a minute to see if i can come up with an answer myself haha
Re: Pooh's CFL grow, First grow! Soil, Bagseed, Welcome friends!


So there are the pots im gonna use, a whoppin 4 gallons a pot haha

anyway, what i was thinking was, putting two plants in one of these pots? thats 2 gallons per plant to grow their roots, I dont have any more soil and im broke for atleast another month, these seedlings get transplanted in two weeks, thats not gonna work for me. And i dont want to get rid of a plant that might very well be the only female i come up with out of the tree, so thoughts? :peace:
Re: Pooh's CFL grow, First grow! Soil, Bagseed, Welcome friends!

i was thinking that, thanks for the input bro
i just cleaned up my closet and set it back up. im thinking about what to do so sorry if i come up with some weird shit that fucks with all the plans ive shared on here :)
Re: Pooh's CFL grow, First grow! Soil, Bagseed, Welcome friends!

Hey Whats up Pooh. Just catching up with your setup. Looking good so far. I will tag along and give you as much input as I can.

Not having funds can suck but for your nute issue( Not having them) might i suggest a Nutrient kit that wont break the bank.

Its called the Technaflora: Recipe for success

It will run you abour 40 bucks but you get everything from veg to bloom and micro nutes and foliar feed supplements.

Main things you need to control are your environment and soil Ph. Soil is pretty forgiving so just pay attention to your plants.

Make sure to keep track of bugs as well. :tokin:
My Journal i have now has a lot of info if you would like to go check that out. You grew a male so im sure you will have an easy run this time around.
Re: Pooh's CFL grow, First grow! Soil, Bagseed, Welcome friends!

whats up guy thanks for poppin in!
thanks a bunch for introducing me to that nute system, could you come up with a link to order or do i need to go to the hydro and find it?
thanks for the info! 40 bucks is good, i might be able to swing it, still trying to score this 1000w ballast and mh, hps bulbs with fans for 200!
Re: Pooh's CFL grow, First grow! Soil, Bagseed, Welcome friends!

Oh yea, I do have a timer, just didnt include it in my set up on here, My Bad :)
still set on 12/12 for my last plant :p

So heres my grow area, basically, ill just ad one more light (with the Y socket) and some reflection somwhere along the line, also more lights and hopefully those nutes and so on and so forth

as for the little ones, they look like they did earlier, just alittle bigger, so i wont give a pic update till they look a bit different :)
Re: Pooh's CFL grow, First grow! Soil, Bagseed, Welcome friends!

The place I bought them was Here but I seen the kit at one of the sites that has a banner up on this forum. HIDHut Is where I am talking about . So either one of those places would be a good place to pick it up.

If you look at My Journal, the results speak for themselves.:thumb::tokin:

I don't think I am doing all that bad for my first grow. Also, SuKaFr33 is using the same kit as I am. His ladies are boss. Check his Journal Here
Re: Pooh's CFL grow, First grow! Soil, Bagseed, Welcome friends!

thanks bro :tokin:
Re: Pooh's CFL grow, First grow! Soil, Bagseed, Welcome friends!

phone got cut so there goes my nute money cause when i called to turn it back on they took two payments of 55 dollars and caused an over draft in my bank.

not gonna bitch about my petty problems, just sayin looks like no nutes till well into the grow, if that, maybe flowering.

update, i divided the plants, so the roots wouldnt bind.
i wish i had some clones man seedlings are a drag lol
Re: Pooh's CFL grow, First grow! Soil, Bagseed, Welcome friends!

here they are yesterday,


Heres some growth, just alittle bit tho :)
Bagseed 1 (first popped up)

Bagseed 2

Bagseed 3

family shot

I hate how they stretched, but its my fault. And when i move them to those huge ass pots they will be fine, burried up to their leaves.

the middle one has stretched the most, but has the strongest stem! :p

Im really thinking about throwing the whole third plant idea out, maybe keeping it in this container after i take the other ones out incase i come accross someone who wants it.

But thats just a thought, not a final decision! :)

Thanks for stickin with me everyone,
very draggy grow right now
Re: Pooh's CFL grow, First grow! Soil, Bagseed, Welcome friends!

lovin the seedlings feels like forever since mines were that size, even though it was only 19 days ago lol, thaings move slow for a few days then boom

:thumb: keep it up
Re: Pooh's CFL grow, First grow! Soil, Bagseed, Welcome friends!

If you are worried about the stalks i would suggest getting a very tiny fan and have it on low facing them at a distance. My new seedlings are on day seven and they seem to be doing pretty good. as for getting rid of the 3rd one, im not too sure but the more chances of having a female plant the better. My grow was cut in half finding the males in my bunch. So thinking about keeping them.

They will stay small for the first week or so when they are focusing more on building a nice root system within soil. Once they root they will take off. I was always watching my first plants and they seemed to be stuck as a seedling for awhile.
Re: Pooh's CFL grow, First grow! Soil, Bagseed, Welcome friends!

I know they drag ass on the surface but under they root like madd, I just dont like it :p but its not a bad thing and it doesnt aggrivate me, cause i know they are growing right :)

As for the staulks, my plants will be strong i have no worries about that :) as seedlings i know they are gonna all three vary in strength. I will keep the third one untill someone wants it or i get more lighting, witch ever comes first :)

They are growing pretty fast to be honest, every time i check them i see more and more of the little tiny baby 3 bladed fanleaves comin in. I will post pics maybe tomorrow.
I am actually very proud of this grow so far because my last grow it took 3 weeks to get a seed to sprout, cause i didnt germ them i just planted them in soil.

So being that i had good judgement about witch seeds looked the best for sprouting, and i germinated them so they sprouted at roughly the same time, and now i have had no complications yet so I am happy with this so far :) Im gonna try so hard to minimize the stress on them, if i have a fem in the bunch, i dont want her to drop nuts on me cause she got alittle stressed :p
Re: Pooh's CFL grow, First grow! Soil, Bagseed, Welcome friends!

The babies are doin pretty good, the middle one seems alittle light deprived but idk its just alittle wrinkly. I love the smell :) its like a green fresh smell with a hint of weed. Smellin the plants for the first time reminded me of back when my male plant was like 4 weeks old and i went to smell a leaf, and a fxcking wasp the size of my thumb crawled out onto the very leaf i was gonna take a wiff of, dude it spooked me hardcore! haha memories :)







Perfect night :)

Re: Pooh's CFL grow, First grow! Soil, Bagseed, Welcome friends!

i played guitar for my first plant every day and ill be damned if it didnt turn out male, he loved him some andy mckee
Re: Pooh's CFL grow, First grow! Soil, Bagseed, Welcome friends!

i build guitars man but im stuck with this dam gibson acoustic cause i cant afford to keep my custom guitars, i wouldnt have any money. life right? haha my prices are getting higher the more customs i do :)
Re: Pooh's CFL grow, First grow! Soil, Bagseed, Welcome friends!

Sounds like something I would love to do. Ive always thought about building guitars. Never had the funds to start or go to school for it. Who knows maybe someday in the future.
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