Ed has absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by continuing his legal right to have his day in court.. another day that is.
What DOES he has to lose? Maybe I didn't catch it, but what punishment has the feds infringed on Rosenthal?
Ed has a legitimate federal soap box to preach from.. I say, "Let him do it, power to him".
Neither here nor there, he gets to fuck with federal prosecutors and indirectly, the DEA while carrying a "get-out-of-jail-free card". I cannot imagine what could be more fun.
One thing I have learned is "[t]here is no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary." (Brendan Behan Irish author & dramatist (1923 - 1964) There's humor here, but it makes sense. Any media coverage sparks interest and possible action in the topic.
I wish my dad was here he could tell you all about ed .. I don't know much about him .. only that he knows his Cannabis even a Nobel piece winer for it i think
^Rosenthal has never won a Nobel prize.
I work for the BLM as a conservationist, but, hey, if Al Gore can win a nobel peace prize...