PNW Outdoor Mixed Indica Grow Journal 2019

A few more progress pics. I'm sorry they are kinda random, not much sequence to them.

Chopped bag-seed plant down the other day. Any guesses on the strain?




Here's a shot from a few weeks ago before I planted into the 10 gallon pots. Something I didn't like about these fabric pots, was the roots that were binding to the fabric had to be ripped off / broken to come off the pot. This would not have happened in a plastic pot. Something to watch out for if I keep using these things...always up-pot early.


Started playing around with the super-cropping HST method here on the Cream Caramel. After I saw a few smaller shoots rebound so fast after being turned down...I went for a big one.... I may have gone a bit too far.

Nice picture book on the branch break, sorry about the sad ending. Oh well...more plant growth elsewhere!

I think I remember seeing outdoor plants many years ago that were almost 6 feet tall where stalk wasn't this big.
Solid Jackson! That's a beauty.
Something I didn't like about these fabric pots, was the roots that were binding to the fabric had to be ripped off / broken to come off the pot. This would not have happened in a plastic pot. Something to watch out for if I keep using these things...always up-pot early.
I've done the same thing and the plants don't mind at all. The roots attached to the cloth pot are dead from air pruning anyway. I put my pot on an upside down bucket and pull it down. Makes it a lot easier to get off. Like this:

Yes very slick method. I sort of did the same but I used the edge of a table and just kept peeling the fabric down as I spun it around. Worked ok...but I will definitely use your method next time.

So here's the Early Miss today. Not sure what I could have done better to keep her a bit more healthy to the end. She sure looks deprived of something. And she went like this over the course of about 4 or 5 days. A week ago she was almost all green.

Could this just be old age? Crossing fingers it is. The buds look huge and healthy...just not the fan leaves so much. Still haven't seen any amber trichs yet either.

Ok cool thanks Penny. So the bag-seed indica that I harvested a few weeks ago I fed right till I chopped her. Been reading about this noflush club and it seemed obvious...why starve your plants right at the end?

So this girl...I decided to slow feeding down at the end to have something to compare the buds to when smoked. Remo suggests stopping Cal/Mag altogether a week before you even I did that...and much to my disappointment this girl did not react very nicely.

Hopefully not much potency lost. Those buds sure did swell up over the last 4 days though jeesh!

Edit: Just found a few good amber trics....still less than 5% though.
Yeah I've got a touch of the I'm definitely going for couch lock on this baby. I'm a pretty hyper guy at normal times so I like strains that can knock me out.
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