Please Tell Us About Your Experiences At 420 Magazine

I've been on here just a little while, although I did join a way back but wasn't active as such.
I find the good folks on here are so helpful and eager to share their knowledge. I was a member of another such forum, but I was quickly banned for... well, I can't even remember why, but it was a nothing thing. I never had a cross word with anyone. I think I asked a question, thats all.
It actually put me off these sorts of forums, but I'm glad I eventually started to write here. What a completely different crowd, night and day!

Thank you everyone.
I've been on here just a little while, although I did join a way back but wasn't active as such.
I find the good folks on here are so helpful and eager to share their knowledge. I was a member of another such forum, but I was quickly banned for... well, I can't even remember why, but it was a nothing thing. I never had a cross word with anyone. I think I asked a question, thats all.
It actually put me off these sorts of forums, but I'm glad I eventually started to write here. What a completely different crowd, night and day!

Thank you everyone.
Lots of outstanding people here that are willing to help you become an expert grower. Monthly contests where you can win 🏆 great prizes and accolades. Without question this is the best pro-cannabis/grower site on the internet . CL🍀. :cheer: :420::party:
I’m new here and I can tell you why I joined. The banter and atmosphere here is very friendly and without any of the bs you see everywhere else. Just a lot of people who are eager to help, learn and share. Who happen to be really good at growing. I’ve had more encouraging encounters here than anywhere else 420 related. And since everyone does their own thing it’s easy to pick up tips and tricks by just reading through journals. And the picture! That’s why I joined and I think I’ve only scratched the surface.
I'm not a spring chicken anymore. But i've grown outdoors for over 40yrs always out of sight. When Oregon became a legal state for growing rec. my sister and i cried tears of joy. We waited so long for it, always signed petitions and voiced our thoughts. Now here we are all over the planet sharing knowledge with all peoples. I'm just in wonder of the new ways folks have progressed in growing indoors. I so enjoy looking at what is new, reading about the changes coming into the forum news. I'm grateful to 420 Magazine for standing so tall and being the voice for us who've been in the shadows.
I'm not a spring chicken anymore. But i've grown outdoors for over 40yrs always out of sight. When Oregon became a legal state for growing rec. my sister and i cried tears of joy. We waited so long for it, always signed petitions and voiced our thoughts. Now here we are all over the planet sharing knowledge with all peoples. I'm just in wonder of the new ways folks have progressed in growing indoors. I so enjoy looking at what is new, reading about the changes coming into the forum news. I'm grateful to 420 Magazine for standing so tall and being the voice for us who've been in the shadows.
Such a lovely statement. All the best to you and your sister, and thank you both for being so visible and vocal during the dark ages. I hope one day we might see such changes here in NZ.
Peace and love.

Please Tell Us About Your Experiences At 420 Magazine:
420 Magazine truly appreciates its members, we are thankful and grateful to have all of you. This thread is for our members to share how much they have learned, gained, grown and/or experienced from their membership at 420 Magazine.

For example - Has 420 Magazine helped change your life for the better? Please tell us how; whether it's acquiring the knowledge to grow, learning about the medicinal benefits of Cannabis and how to heal yourself, sharing your master gardens with fellow gardeners, finding a platform for your activism or to improve the quality of your life by making similar minded friends. We'd love to hear from you!

We will keep this thread in perpetuity - not only as a celebration of our mission but also as a record and an inspiration for all those innumerable future guests and members who we can also help.

Please keep your comments limited to celebrating our community with positive success stories, complaints or drama will be deleted without notice.

Our Founder's Story & Mission:
420 Magazine exists to support the repeal of all Cannabis prohibition laws and penalties throughout the world. Not another person should suffer incarceration or stigma because of these unjust laws (420 Magazine Mission Statement).

In 1993, the feds broke down the door of our founder and assaulted him, his wife and his 12 year old daughter, throwing them to the floor with machine guns to their heads. The prohibitionists were yelling and screaming at them over a simple quarter pound of Mexican brick bud that had been acquired for a close friend. Unfortunately, the "friend" was "working off charges", after being arrested for selling only a quarter ounce to a cop. This ridiculous event was so infuriating that it inspired the founding of 420 Magazine; a lifelong mission to repeal these unjust laws and to create Cannabis awareness throughout the world.

In Closing:
This thread is for our members to share and immortalize their experience(s) with any or all aspects of Cannabis Awareness. We hope that patients, activists, growers, fans of the flower, friends of 420 Magazine, or even reformed LEO will post their experiences here for others to learn from and celebrate.

It's been a long hard fight and the Staff of 420 Magazine wishes to honor our Members and Sponsors. It's still too early to declare victory but there's no doubt that together, we're winning the war on Cannabis.

Thank you for your support, we are truly grateful.

:thanks:I love this! I really am sad that the founder of :420: endured that violence, I am grateful that you all made it through that betrayal, war came to you that day and you survived, I am truly happy to know that you all came out alive.
Thank you for giving others a place to come together and share some beautiful knowledge, repealing prohibition is a great cause, and I wish that I had known about this a long time ago, thirty years is quite an impressive amount of time, I really appreciate all of the content, essays, kind folks, and I cannot not mention the fact that you regularly share the love, you have a lot of really great sponsors, I really think that is cool.

:thumb:Thank you for being a worthy advocate, I believe in the power of all of this, the anonymity, the forums, and the dialogue are all worth coming back every day for me:peacetwo:
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