Please Help!

Welcome to the modern world of gardening. It used to be that dirt was dirt, the stuff in our backyards that the trees, shrubs and flowers would be growing in. And soil was dirt.

Now-a-days soil is anything that can be used to hold moisture and nutrients that the plant's roots can live in. It does not even have to be 1% dirt nor does there have to be any compost or earthworm castings in it.

Get a hold of some of the Canna Terra Professional that you want and re-do the transplanting. I doubt that any of the Canno Coco Professional that gets mixed in will make much of a difference in the long run.
Good morning Mr Wings

Thanks for your advice :) Hydro dude will have Canna Terra Professional on Saturday. I’ll get Beeboy to grab me a bag.
No it is actually closer to hydro. I've grown my last couple of plants in coco. Technically you should pH to 5.5-6.5 but you'll probably be fine without it. You do want to feed daily, possibly twice/day in flower. Always feed, never water. Or... you could put it in a SIP and just keep it full!
Bruv I ain’t pHing. Math and growing gives me anxiety lol

I use MC so I always feed, so that won’t be a problem. I have a product called BAM. Hydro dude gave it to me for Xmas not last year the year before. I could start incorporating that too.
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