Please check this plant out? Lost here


Well-Known Member
Hi I have a 4 week old blue dynamite and the shoots are barely growing still. After feeding it one calmag feed. I have koolbloom there and N nutes. Also she's just looking small to me idk, and spotting that wont go away.

Not sure about the sex either I got the seed in a bud. Will post close up pictures later. Theres pistils dark and some look like theyre turning light. Anyone?

Thanks in advance pretty worried its either sick or a male

Looks like a very healthy 4 week-old cannabis plant to me. Maybe a bit over-fertilized. At 4 weeks it should need no fertilizer yet, the soil should have plenty fertility. As to sex, it's way too early. You are probably seeing pre-pistilate structures, rather than actual pistils. I think your plant is just fine!

Here's how to post pics right-side up. :) Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos
Looks like a very healthy 4 week-old cannabis plant to me. Maybe a bit over-fertilized. At 4 weeks it should need no fertilizer yet, the soil should have plenty fertility. As to sex, it's way too early. You are probably seeing pre-pistilate structures, rather than actual pistils. I think your plant is just fine!

Here's how to post pics right-side up. :) Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

Thanks a lot man good to know about the sex and I'll take it a bit easy on the nutes. Been trying to figure out that pic thing haha.

So my shoots are okay? Should I just have a longer veg until they start to grow good, or switch with the shoots this short?

Appreciate the reply I can chill out a bit now haha.
So my shoots are okay? Should I just have a longer veg until they start to grow good, or switch with the shoots this short?

Honestly, I have only grown outdoors, so the day length is what "switches" my plants. My guess is that indoor growers would grow it bigger before "switching" to flowering, but maybe one of them will join in with an experienced answer.
I think you plant look healthy as well. Switching your light schedule usually depends largely on space available and how much yield your are looking to get. The plant will double in size in flower. I would think about putting it in a larger pot as well before flowering. It would also not hurt to top that baby, get yourself a couple of nice top colas.....
I haven't seen pot plants grown in milk cartons since I grew in some back in '78 but they work g'dammit so why not! lol

You can switch them to flower anytime tho they may be slow to show flowers at this 4 weeks. Pot hits sexual maturity after about 6 weeks and will usually start putting out flowers a week after flipping to 12/12. Might take 2 weeks at this age but they would still flower.

They will likely get to twice their height or more by the time they finish flowering so depending on how much head space you have you want to take that into account. Bigger plants = more budz so you want to take that into account as well.

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