Check this place out!

Re: check this place out!!!

if you dont live in California it is easy to question the prices, but if you live here then you would know that it is pretty hard ( if not impossible)to grow an ounce for less than 15 dollars of medical quality ganja. it costs more than that just to keep the water service on to be able to water your plants. Everything is expensive here! and in my experience the dispensaries usually base their prices on the regional black market. if good herb is 60 an 1/8 on the streets, so will it be in the clubs.
Re: check this place out!!!

if you dont live in California it is easy to question the prices, but if you live here then you would know that it is pretty hard ( if not impossible)to grow an ounce for less than 15 dollars of medical quality ganja. it costs more than that just to keep the water service on to be able to water your plants. Everything is expensive here! and in my experience the dispensaries usually base their prices on the regional black market. if good herb is 60 an 1/8 on the streets, so will it be in the clubs.
I disagree! I live in Shasta county of northern california and it's easy to grow for under $15.00 a ounce. ALL medical quality. I do it every harvest so I'm speaking from experience. The biggest cost is the initial set up. Once you have covered that the rest is almost pure profit. MY actual cost per ounce RIGHT NOW is $12.00 per ounce and that covers all electricity and nutes and soil. Everything else is paid for. I have a well so electric is all I pay for water. My electric bill goes up a total of $75.00 per month for growing. Good herb on the street here is $45.00 to $50.00 a 1/8th. The club we had once still wanted to charge $60.00+ a 1/8th. The difference was a steady supply without dealing on the street. The local police chief sited that 215 was never suppose to be used to make a profit and called the feds to shut them down. Your only suppose to recover actual cost was his actual statement. Not make a profit. Driving a lexus while a patient is searching the couch cushions and selling blood for enough money to buy a gram is criminal IMO. Sorry...but there isn't anyway I will ever agree that $30.00 or more a 1/8th of any cannabis will be considered a great deal. It just ain't going to happen with me. I've run the numbers and know exactly what I spend to grow a ounce and I'm being 100% honest about it.
Re: check this place out!!!

I grew 23 clones 2 summers ago, the total cost was around $250 including water.

Then I took some of it to the stores, before they were shut down, and the most they would pay me is $250 an ounce,

Now as you ALL know, I have been searching all the stores with-in 200 miles of Bakersfield, and on my adventures, I have been told by 2 cool dudes that told me that they pay $250 an ounce for the top grade, but they have to double that, to stay in bussiness.

I should point out that I did grow outside, and have no idea what it costs to grow indoors with the cost of electric.

I was just told about a shop that has an adopt-a-plant thing going on, and what you do is donate $1500 for a plant, they grow it (on a farm) and when your plant is ready in NOV. then they will call you to pick it up, they say you will get at least a 1/2 pound, maybe more.

Now I seen the pictures, and it is ALL being grown on a pot farm, and there must be a thousand plants in that field.

Now I know that it is not costing anywhere near that amount to grow.

I'd like to hear what RACEFAN is paying/asking as far as the donation fee for an ounce of the ganja:yummy:

Where are the people from the bay area, I hear thier donation fees are alot cheaper, why aren't we hearing from them?

Where you at HUMBOLT?
Re: check this place out!!!

I disagree! I live in Shasta county of northern california and it's easy to grow for under $15.00 a ounce. ALL medical quality. I do it every harvest so I'm speaking from experience. The biggest cost is the initial set up. Once you have covered that the rest is almost pure profit. MY actual cost per ounce RIGHT NOW is $12.00 per ounce and that covers all electricity and nutes and soil. Everything else is paid for. I have a well so electric is all I pay for water. My electric bill goes up a total of $75.00 per month for growing. Good herb on the street here is $45.00 to $50.00 a 1/8th. The club we had once still wanted to charge $60.00+ a 1/8th. The difference was a steady supply without dealing on the street. The local police chief sited that 215 was never suppose to be used to make a profit and called the feds to shut them down. Your only suppose to recover actual cost was his actual statement. Not make a profit. Driving a lexus while a patient is searching the couch cushions and selling blood for enough money to buy a gram is criminal IMO. Sorry...but there isn't anyway I will ever agree that $30.00 or more a 1/8th of any cannabis will be considered a great deal. It just ain't going to happen with me. I've run the numbers and know exactly what I spend to grow a ounce and I'm being 100% honest about it.

My costs are 10% lower than Racefan's. But I am in Australia.
Re: check this place out!!!

Whats up, BLOOK. (Hope thats right.)

I agree with both of you.

I hope I don't get into trouble, but I have to ask.

Racefan, Do you take donations from patients that DOES have a DR. recomendation?

and how far is Shasta County from Bakersfield,CA?
Re: check this place out!!!

Wow, I'm torn.

I'm working on getting my costs down, but I ain't that low yet. I'm already at $65+ just for nutes! Every month I get savagely bent over furniture by Eddy(son), and before the fucker leaves he takes another $120 outta my wallet.

Not to say that the profit margin if you were selling wouldn't be huge. If their paying $250 a ticket for a trip to Oz., you could do alright.

Like I said, I'm torn.

As a contractor, I understand the $ value of time, and LIABILITY. When you take it upon yourself to do something instead of hiring someone else... all you've done is save money on time and transfer of risk. Materials should be about the same, and so is energy cost (per work unit generated).

When you pay someone else to do something, you;

1) Buy back the time you would have invested to do it your self. (How much do you get paid an hour? How many hours do you sit around thinking about your grow?)

2) Transfer as much of the risk as possible to the other party. It's no longer your responsibility to make sure it's grown and handled well... It's someone else's. It's no longer you and your assets on the line if some dingle berry with a stick up his ass wants to bust a grow op...

It takes brains, and love to dedicate the time and energy to grow yer own. It take giant hairy balls to open a dispensary. That guy's not trying to keep his mouth shut and taking space out of the closet. He's walking into city hall, shaking the chief of polices hand, looking him in the eye, and saying "I'm here to sell pot mother fucker... And I ain't gonna be a bitch about it and keep it quite... I'm gonna rent a space and put a big fucking sign out that says "BUY POT HERE"!!!!... and so heres all of my personal information, where I keep all my money (what I can't hide from you), and where you can come arrest me and take my shit.".

And like you said Racefan... pounds... pounds dude... Thats mucho no bueno should shit not go right.

I'm okay with someone getting paid for that....

But I'm torn ... Remember

Dispensary's are for patients. It's medicine... I'm lucky that I have it... It's keeping me from being sick. But I know people who truly could not survive without it. I'm not talking uncomfortable... I;m talking dead because their body is already so damaged from prescription drugs that they can;t take anymore.

I just met a lady who had her fucking leg cut off be cause she had taken so much ibuprofen it damaged her circulatory system and liver. Theres nothing left for her.

The idea that in the US, where we're supposed to be the best at freaking everything, anyone would have to pay for medicine of that nature... not mater the cost to produce, sickens me.

Theoretically, these are co-operatives. Meaning, you donate for what you need... everyone combined can provide for everyone...not everyone has money, and not everyone has pot. Make a club and we will donate what we have more than we need of, and take what we need.

I have found that most of the operators I've met were very concerned with the patient. If they ain't my kind of place.. I don't go in more than once. I would like to think that by paying street or more for an Oz. (buying less is a waste of money... unless your just sampling.), The operator is in a better position to help someone who needs it more than I. If I'm buying an Oz for any price, it's only because I can afford it.
Re: check this place out!!!

I grew 23 clones 2 summers ago, the total cost was around $250 including water.

Then I took some of it to the stores, before they were shut down, and the most they would pay me is $250 an ounce,

Now as you ALL know, I have been searching all the stores with-in 200 miles of Bakersfield, and on my adventures, I have been told by 2 cool dudes that told me that they pay $250 an ounce for the top grade, but they have to double that, to stay in bussiness.

I should point out that I did grow outside, and have no idea what it costs to grow indoors with the cost of electric.

I was just told about a shop that has an adopt-a-plant thing going on, and what you do is donate $1500 for a plant, they grow it (on a farm) and when your plant is ready in NOV. then they will call you to pick it up, they say you will get at least a 1/2 pound, maybe more.

Now I seen the pictures, and it is ALL being grown on a pot farm, and there must be a thousand plants in that field.

Now I know that it is not costing anywhere near that amount to grow.

I'd like to hear what RACEFAN is paying/asking as far as the donation fee for an ounce of the ganja:yummy:

Where are the people from the bay area, I hear thier donation fees are alot cheaper, why aren't we hearing from them?

Where you at HUMBOLT?

Humboldt is here. haha.

It really depends here. Who you know is how much you pay. In terms of donation fees for MMJ per oz of some cronic is around 200. Again, if you know the right people you could cut that in half. But that is obvious everywhere. I like the fact that the clubs here top their 1/8ths at 40. Thats pretty much the street price here anyways though. Everyone grows their own here as well, theres just so much open space. Everybody knows about the Humboldt outdoor. Overall i think (in california at least) the farther north you go, the cheaper the price most of the time.
Re: check this place out!!!

MEDHEAD, I don't even know what to say about that post.

But if you want to talk jacked up, I have whats called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, which is nerve damage with NO CURE, I have had spinal cord surgery, I have an electrical box installed in my BUTT and it has wires that run from it ALL the way across my back to my spinal cord where it's Hardwired to my spinal cord, I have had 6 spinal injections with epidural, and three in the (L) side of the neck, and one to the (r) side, I am taking 80mg of oxycotton, 10/325mg norco, somas and lyrica, and I still suffer daily from the pain and ALL the wires shocking me ALL day, so I know pain, I just don't know the person/place that can show enough compassion to accept donations for the price/amount we are always looking for.

my journey continues, but my DR is going to send me to the LOS GATOS pain management clinic in the bay area for 6 weeks of treatment, hopefully they can help, it's been 4 years and no one can put humty dumpty back again, but I will be in the bay area where I here donations are reasonable.
Re: check this place out!!!

I had 6 spinals as well. Still have a strange scar where the needles went in, never really heals. My total was 8 doses in 6 shots, and I didn't like it much. Have you tried the real deal for co**ne? Op**^m? I would reccomend you try it in it's natural form, as it burns and removes all the sugar in your body, which you replace with all natural rock sugar or cane. This has a huge effect on nerves. It's not too hard to get in Cali, and It is far bettter for you then the synthetics they treat you with now.
Re: check this place out!!!

:thedoubletake::thedoubletake:Sorry to hear that Boss.

I haven't tried any of that, I'll ask my DR. when I see him next week, thanks.

I hope I hear from someone in the bay area, I should be going down there in about 1 1/2 monthes and would like to know what places I should visit.

Has anyone heard of this LOS GASTOS pain management clinic in S.F?
Re: check this place out!!!


I wish you all the best, I hope they can help out... and if you ever pass through so cal drop me a pm, and I'll make sure your taken care of.
Re: check this place out!!!

I can come to in a couple of days. I would love to see the home depot down there, I've seen enough of our homedepot.

Does your home depot have lots of different paint selections?:grinjoint:
Re: check this place out!!!

I disagree! I live in Shasta county of northern california and it's easy to grow for under $15.00 a ounce. ALL medical quality. I do it every harvest so I'm speaking from experience. The biggest cost is the initial set up. Once you have covered that the rest is almost pure profit. MY actual cost per ounce RIGHT NOW is $12.00 per ounce and that covers all electricity and nutes and soil. Everything else is paid for. I have a well so electric is all I pay for water. My electric bill goes up a total of $75.00 per month for growing. Good herb on the street here is $45.00 to $50.00 a 1/8th. The club we had once still wanted to charge $60.00+ a 1/8th. The difference was a steady supply without dealing on the street. The local police chief sited that 215 was never suppose to be used to make a profit and called the feds to shut them down. Your only suppose to recover actual cost was his actual statement. Not make a profit. Driving a lexus while a patient is searching the couch cushions and selling blood for enough money to buy a gram is criminal IMO. Sorry...but there isn't anyway I will ever agree that $30.00 or more a 1/8th of any cannabis will be considered a great deal. It just ain't going to happen with me. I've run the numbers and know exactly what I spend to grow a ounce and I'm being 100% honest about it.

Are these results collected through outdoor cultivation? If so, I'm sure your estimates are correct. Unfortunately, unlike Shasta and other lush, herb growing counties of northern california, the central valley and southern cali. dont exactly provide the proper geography and/or space to reap the rewards of high quality outdoor. this drives local suppliers indoors to cultivate medication of the highest quality in a stable environment, where the cost of electricity will cost much more than $ 75/mo.
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