Plastic greenhouse

Minor technical question bud :green_heart:

Mmm polythene for poly tunnels or other structures may have a built in property to allow for advantages such as UV, thermal just to name a couple, so ye there is some advance questions to ponder over.

Also green plastic green house are normal domestic use...

Might have to question total size !

Every dog got a bone to chew on :thumb:
It's going to block a lot of light. If you cut open a green Mountain Dew bottle and look through it at one of those hideous blurple LED lights, your garden will appear almost normal - because the green plastic has filtered out a huge amount of the red and blue wavelength light. Which is great as a camera lens filter if you're trying to take a picture of those plants and CBA to turn the **** thing off first - but probably not the best thing to place between your and their source of light.

I assume that, on the translucency scale, that your material is closer to the transparent end than the opaque end. Hopefully, far closer than the plastic they make green pop bottles out of. But still... They're probably best used in regions where a plant out in the sunlight would be receiving too much light. Like the sunward side of Mercury (lol), or the tropics. Places like southern Texas. Not really needed in, for example, Maine.

Will it still work? Sure, probably. If, when standing inside with the doors/vents closed, the light getting through hasn't taken on an obvious green tint and still looks "really bright," it might only be blocking 12% to 18% of the light (at a guess). But it's still blocking some - and a green greenhouse is still a greenhouse :rolleyes: - I don't know how "stealthy" it could possibly be. It's still a manmade structure, for the purpose of having plants in it. If its percentage of visible light transmission is low enough that people can't see that the plants inside are cannabis, I'd think it would be blocking a lot of light.

If it's your only option, try it and see. I'm sure the plants will still grow (otherwise, there'd be a near-100% return rate on the product). They'll probably just be smaller than otherwise. Which kind of seems like your whole point in buying one, so...
Unfortunately green is about the worst color, since it is the least influential wavelength for plant growth. If possible stay with an opaque (for stealth) clear cover. Before it was legalized, I grew in a clear sided poly paneled greenhouse that I built. To keep out prying eyes I covered the inside of the walls with 4 mil clear poly plastic, the sun clouds it up (opaques) in a couple weeks. Back in my Humboldt days I grew in a greenhouse made of chicken wire and 2x4's, covered with two layers of 4 mil plastic poly, just make sure the leaves don't stick to the plastic, then it's pretty obvious what's inside. Also, see what it looks like when it's backlighted by the sun.
Next door are well to nosey and only place get loads light in garden at the back on view even when people walk past the front they can se I was thinking of this for now just intill I can get back with my light and tent again can't afford to keep buying bud now

the green blocks the wavelength of light the plant does not use. it allows the spectrum that the plant does use in. however, it will block a significant amount, and cut down on the total the plant will receive, not just the green wavelength.
the green blocks the wavelength of light the plant does not use. it allows the spectrum that the plant does use in. however, it will block a significant amount, and cut down on the total the plant will receive, not just the green wavelength.
Maybe I'm confused?:

"What colors does green glass let through?

The other colours (wavelengths) of the spectrum are absorbed. Similarly, a green filter only allows green light through. This is called colour by subtraction."

If this is true, then, a green cover would block most wavelengths other than green. Plants reflect green because they don't absorb it, however, if the other wavelengths are absorbed by the green colored greenhouse then not much of those wavelengths are getting to the plant. Like I said, maybe I'm not understanding it.
The other colours (wavelengths) of the spectrum are absorbed. Similarly, a green filter only allows green light through. This is called colour by subtraction."

you have it opposite. right idea though.
it's the reason leaves are green. it's the spectrum of light they don't use. they bounce that back, so that's what we see. also why a green light is dark safe for a plant

But do you think I could get couple oz from 4 auto using it or you think the amount of light won't be enough to get some nice bud it's like my only option rite now

could always try. looks a bit small for 4 plants.
if you're using it for stealth, i'm not sure it's gonna help much if it's in a sightline. the odour will attract attention to it.
might work best if you can move them in and out during the day.

seems like you need to plan for an indoor of some sort down the line maybe.
Next door are well to nosey and only place get loads light in garden at the back on view ...
Not exactly sure of what you are trying to say but it sounds like the best place to have the plants for the most light is near the back of the yard. And, the problem is that the neighbors are nosy and looking at your place and what you are doing.

With that in mind I want to bring up that as soon as you put up a small greenhouse they are going to become very curious about what you are doing. Especially if you have not had a greenhouse or gardening structure in your yard before.

If you have vegetable and flower garden beds in your yard already you might be better off planning a 'stealth' grow and letting your plants blend in with the plants you are already growing.

No one mentioned it but many of those polypropylene plastics do not last long. With the weather we get here the green plastic would start to fall apart sometime in the second summer. Those types of plastics do not last long under the summer sun and heat.

I did not look up the price in US dollars so I cannot relate to what the cost is, but I would be asking myself if it was worth it.
I would not risk it in the uk mate.
If your not grassed up or robbed i would be shocked.
I know people that actively travel with thermo guns looking for grows.
The smell on a hot summer day in flower would be something.
Your next door friends could not miss. ;)
metal very long lasting hot boxes in summer.
Have one at bottom of the garden , for garden tools.
Guess you could vent. sorry dont mean to be negative.
there's few choices between outdoor and totally enclosed space with environment control. a proper greenhouse is the best solution, but it offers little to no stealth or security options. it's hard doing stealth outdoor in an urban setting.

if you go to a shed you'd need to power it, add active ventilation, and possibly insulation.

i'd strongly suggest looking at setting something up properly indoor. you won't have the issues with stealth and security, and odour and other issues can be mitigated.
metal very long lasting hot boxes in summer.
Have one at bottom of the garden , for garden tools.
Guess you could vent. sorry dont mean to be negative.
The ones I'm looking at have vents so if I had to I could have 4 inlets into tent may work got to sort of be like a attic either hot or cold no in-between lol
there's few choices between outdoor and totally enclosed space with environment control. a proper greenhouse is the best solution, but it offers little to no stealth or security options. it's hard doing stealth outdoor in an urban setting.

if you go to a shed you'd need to power it, add active ventilation, and possibly insulation.

i'd strongly suggest looking at setting something up properly indoor. you won't have the issues with stealth and security, and odour and other issues can be mitigated.
Yeah stealth my main issue so green house is out window and I can't do it in the house atm have things going on powering it won't be issue as can pull lead through wall have it next to house with a cover over cable and I have insulation still as wanted to build a proper grow shed but that waiting till I move house now
Mmm running short of options...

May I suggest a gorilla grow some where in the out back or country side ?

Or even section off part of the garden with trellis grow some climbers over it etc & get some short growing strains of cannabis also no reason why you can not scrog an out door plant either to keep it low.
Mmm running short of options...

May I suggest a gorilla grow some where in the out back or country side ?

Or even section off part of the garden with trellis grow some climbers over it etc & get some short growing strains of cannabis also no reason why you can not scrog an out door plant either to keep it low.
My impression was that a guerilla grow was out in the outback or way out in the country away from houses or businesses.

And, a stealth grow was in a typical backyard in an urban area where the plants are placed in a way to be hidden from view yet they are visible if someone does not get distracted by everything else.

Put the greenhouse in one corner of the yard where the neighbors can look at it all day long and still not see the plants because the plants are in another corner in-between several green shrubs. Put in a couple of flower beds with different flowering plants to distract some more. Help the neighbors think that a vegetable and flower gardener lives there.

People going by will see the color and instinctively look at it. A Cannabis plant is pretty much green from start to end so put it in with other green if possible. If in a typical urban or suburban area match the lawn cutting with the rest of the neighbors. In those areas tall lawns attract the attention of people and the taller the lawn the more attention, especially from those who are nosy.

I was really surprised at how many people, many who already knew I grew a few outdoor plants, would walk right past the plants and sit down at the picnic table. Then they say something like "Not growing outdoors this summer?" or similar questions. Sort of "hiding in plain sight" or "can't see the forest for the trees" because they are looking at the small points.

It is legal to grow outside here as long as the public cannot see the plants. And if the plants can be seen by the busy-body nosy people then they can be seen by the rippers.

*edit to correct minor spelling
My impression was that a guerilla grow was out in the outback or way out in the country away from houses or businesses.

And, a stealth grow was in a typical backyard in an urban area where the plants are placed in a way to be hidden from view yet they are visible if someone does not get distracted by everything else.

Put the greenhouse in one corner of the yard where the neighbors can look at it all day long and still not see the plants because the plants are in another corner in-between several green shrubs. Put in a couple of flower beds with different flowering plants to distract some more. Help the neighbors think that a vegetable and flower gardener lives there.

People going by will see the color and instinctively look at it. A Cannabis plant is pretty much green from start to end so put it in with other green if possible. If in a typical urban or suburban area match the lawn cutting with the rest of the neighbors. In those areas tall lawns attract the attention of people and the taller the lawn the more attention, especially from those who are nosy.

I was really surprised at how many people, many who already knew I grew a few outdoor plants, would walk right past the plants and sit down at the picnic table. Then they say something like "Not growing outdoors this summer?" or similar questions. Sort of "hiding in plain sight" or "can' see the forest for the trees" because they are looking at the small points.

It is legal to grow outside here as long as the public cannot see the plants. And if the plants can be seen by the busy-body nosy people then they can be seen by the rippers.

Well said bud :thumb:

It is just like that & a very old saying was growing with tomato plants & some thing to do with with leaf shape but I've never seen a tomato plant grow as tall as a pure sativa.

But other plant distractions to break up any view line can mask or cover scent of an out door plant.
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