Plants in trouble - I need some advice!


New Member
I am a noobie. This is my first grow. My plant are turning yellow in the tips, spreading on the leaf. Its also getting brown on the edges.

I do have some problems with my plant. Today the EC-meter was showing 0.86 in the reservoir, and 0.6 by the roots. The ph was lying at 6.2.
I changed the water in the system with a ph of 5.3 and Ec at a little less than 0.5. I use General hydroponics nutrients and Canna ph down. The system is spraying directly at the roots(is this right?)

I used airstones, but took them out. Seemed to increase ph at a fast rate when it could go from 5,2 to 6,2 over night.

Grow system: Aeroflo from GH.
Temperature in grow room: 21 C
Air moisture in grow room: around 40-60%
Water type: soft springwater, no chlorine or what ever. Ph is 7, dead on.
Light: 600w metall hallide.
Strain: Bubblicious

What am i doing wrong? Is my problems caused by too much nutrients? Is my ph wrong? Or anything else?

Can anybody please help me? Used enough money on this stuff.

Also, how do i upload photos, so i can actually show you the problems?? :Namaste:
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