Pigeons420 Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

looking good :thumb: tag yu it
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

I have some pineapple ex going. What is the flowering time on those? I have chemdog that are well. My MOB are really thriving, I got the PH dialed in and the leaves stop yellowing. I am only using 400 watt lights. I have a few 1000 w, but am afraid of elec.bill. I may use 1000w the last month to shake them up and pack on some good weight. Any thoughts on this?
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Hi Charliet!

My guess for flowering is somewhere between 8-10 weeks. That's a typical flowering time.

I would start using the 1000W a little sooner then the last week for some noticeable impact. Maybe for the last month? Ideally you would run that 1000W the entire flowering period for maximum growth. And in all honesty you probably won't even notice the impact on your hydro bill for the flowering period. Noticeable difference.

Hope that helps!
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Yep.....what HE said
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Wow nice pic! I'm very interested in the Green Crack :)

Hi BlazeHaze!!

So nice to see you in the paths of my garden. I believe the one that is labeled green crack is actually ORKA. I re use those paint stirring stick and I tend to forget which way to face them for the camera to show their proper names.

Thanks so much for stopping in. Please make yourself comfortable and don't hesitate to chime in if you have anything to say!

re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Nice to meet you too Pigeon420. I'm just doing a small closet grow secretly lol. I'm using the Chp bulbs or whatever there called. Just doing one grow at a time. Only thing i'm really confused about is how the set up a filter to vent the air out or sometime like that, but I don't think I really need it only growing 1 plant at a time plus bulbs don't give off much heat.
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

I would be excited to follow if you decide to create a journal.

I don't think you'll require a fan and filter with one plant. But of course that's entirely up to you. One plant can smell quite potent however some don't give much smell at all. I'm just thinking for the price of a fan and filter is about 150$ so it's a big commitment.

And your bulbs definitely won't give of much heat so, that's not something you'll need to be concerned about.

re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Yeah that sounds good bc I don't need the extra expense rn. My Strains are all low smell too and my twin seen to not be growing. I can't wait to grow my Cindy 99. Pure pinapple. Can't wait to smell that. Happy growing :thanks:
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Yeah that sounds good bc I don't need the extra expense rn. My Strains are all low smell too and my twin seen to not be growing. I can't wait to grow my Cindy 99. Pure pinapple. Can't wait to smell that. Happy growing :thanks:

No kidding. I bet you're floored by the smell. And when you touch her, your fingers are gonna get so sticky and smell so fresh. It's slightly an addiction.
Actually reminds me of some movie where the main actress has an anxiety problem and puts her fingers under her arm pits and then sniffs her fingers. Except the arm pits are buds.

Let me take another rip!
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Actually, I was thinking about the movie Porky's when the female gym teacher got horny from the smell of jock straps in the laundry room! OOOOOoooooooooooo!!! ooooo!!!! oooo!!! I'm dyin Piegons!:thedoubletake::rofl:
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Actually, I was thinking about the movie Porky's when the female gym teacher got horny from the smell of jock straps in the laundry room! OOOOOoooooooooooo!!! ooooo!!!! oooo!!! I'm dyin Piegons!:thedoubletake::rofl:


Ohh that's good!
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Thank U too, for keeping your info available to read. I am a Medical Marijuana Patient/new Grower myself & I to have found this site to be an amazing place to learn Anything U Need 2 Grow Great Marijuana. I was Really struggling with my Water process too. I've had a cousin whom now and then when he's feeling nice drops me a tip or 2,lol he's been growing for 2 decades. He told me to buy a 5 Gallon pale & do just what your doing. Now when you say Treat Your Water do U mean just keep the pH level right? I just keep my water oxygenated w/ the fish tank pump, & pH the water I'm going to water my 4 girlz/w and I'm sure to clean my pale Every 2 wks to B sure. Am I right w/ this method? Do U add your nutrients to your water in the Tote Bin?
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

Hi Donny!

What a time for you to join the pages of my garden! I'm excited you've come to my side of the woods.

The 420 magazine has proven to be one of the most important tools at my disposal. The people around here are compassionate and incredibly inspirational. The love that passes around here everyday is remarkable. And I'm thankful to call it home.

Now, to address your questions. The idea of using 5 gallon geo pots is relatively new to me. I've been using them for a few months not and I'll probably never go back to traditional pots. They're a great assets to the garden for many reasons. Aeration, breathability and for air pruning. These reasons have made me decide that a shelf full of geo pots is the way to go. I've got 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 10 gallon pots. I try to use them all as I grow. Transplanting every couple weeks.

When I say treat my water, that's exactly what I mean, PH corrected to 6.3. I also use a fish pump to keep the oxygen plentiful. I mix the PH down into the tote at the beginning of the week and use that for the week. Cleaning your resevouir is a great idea. Keeps the calcium and other stuff at a minimum.

I do not add my nutrients to the tote yet. Only because I'm not using enough to make it worth my while I think I would be wasting nutrients by dumping them every week and a half.

By the sound of it Donny, you're on the right track. Keep it up and feel free to stop in here and chime in or ask questions anytime. If I can't answer it I know that one of these amazing people that come through here will have no problem answering.

All the best to you today my friend! I look forward to getting to know you better!
re: Rex Pigeons Flies the Coop & Goes Perpetual in 2015

It's funny you ask.

When I first started out, I didn't PH anything. But the more often I frequented this place I learned the PH (aka potential hydrogen) is very important to your plants health.

If you don't have the right PH your soil will have the nutrients but your plant won't take them up. I bet your well water is probably around 8.0 which is well above the 6.5-7.0 that is required. Although, some people do not PH I would recommend that you at least test the water with strips at least to get an idea of where the PH is. I bet your curiousity and desire to grow great plants will take over and you'll PH your supply.

Here's a neat little graph that shows what PH your plant needs to be at in order to uptake the right nutrients. Hope that helps Haze!

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