Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5 Tent

Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Day 50 from Seed, "The Darkness Cometh"

All plants have been watered since their first feeding with RO water PH'd to 6.6-6.8 I learned to let the mix sit before retesting. I didn't realize how much PH-Up can continue to rise after what seems a thorough mixture.

The Female AK48 #4 is showing N toxicity. I fed this one, AK#5 and I think Aurora Indica 1 a second round of nutrients after one water. This time mixed at 50% instead of 25%

I used Fox Farm soil feeding schedule veg week 4 with some open sesame.

The femalee AK showed signs of N toxicity but after her next watering I doused her good, leached the medium with about 1/2 gallon of RO water with Seawead and Cal-Mag both 1ml/gal. Should have done it plain as the nitrite nitrogen in the Cal-Mag (4-0-0 all nitrate) is like a shot of N straight to the plant without help from living soil.

Here is a document from Cornell university that sums up the type of nitrogen and how it affects soil PH. Most people likely do not consider this.

This can be important for a few reasons I think. I have soil with runnoff testing from 6.4 to 7.1 because I didn't premix the soil all at once like I should have.

Sounds ominous right? How about, "Day 50, set for the 12/12 flip" I'll try not to ramble.

Questions for anyone out there:

- I had to water one of the plants and I caught it about 2 hours before lights out and I plant to keep the lights off for 35 hours before turning them back on again.

Is this dangerous to have wet medium in the dark that long with the plant looking a little wilted until it can drink up some (I may have over-watered but I still don't get it. I can water until 1-2% runoff and the damn plants look over-watered for a day then they spring back like it's time to shine!!

- should I use my MH bulb for the first while in flower? I want to use the HPS as I can turn it up to 1000w and raise my light up to give them some room but the MH bulb I believe gets hotter. Not sure how though as 1000W == 1000W but we'll see.

I can always kick the lights on tonight 12/12 at 7PM. Would be a first night of 11 hours. Tomorrow would be the official 12 hours on off. 4th of July! Gotta research quickly!!

My jewelers loupe with UV light showed up yesterday, right on time along with the Mosquito bits. The loupe was cheap, like 10 bucks or less made of stainless steal and works wonders at a 40X magnification. I may get a 60X also by the same brand now that I know how well it is made.

40x Illuminated Jeweler LED UV Lens Loupe Magnifier with Metal Construction and Optical Glass, with Dlisten Retail Package (40x Metal Construction)


Now that I have the loupe, I can see the pre-flowers much better and I think that I was correct in my assertion that both "Hearty" AK's appear sexually female. The Auroras are Female, AK4 is Female and this would make AK5 so 5 out of 8 I'm pretty sure of.


-Premix all of the soil/Amendments first and let it settle in nice or cook someplace for a bit with some microbe brew before potting. Might not matter doing DWC soon if not next grow.

Remember what you read about Hermies and bag seeds, keep close eye on Grapefruit. Apparently bud can create a small little polen sac and fertilize itself!! I was wondering how in many ounces of weed we ended up with about a dozen seeds. I know they are feminized now because of how they formed, but if the parent was genetically predisposed for that I don't want these genetics for all but smoking.

Candyland is my favorite hands down. Something about the Bay Platinum Cookies and other Cookies line of hybrids just kick my ass in the best way possible. I want some of a friend of a friend's specific pheno cut as it's great for everything.

I might have talked him into it :), however the rule is, I come to the grow, take some cuts and it's on me from there. I need my cloning skills down so I have a science expirement. Took a cut from an AK and have it rooting in RO/cal-mag/kelp water in a humidity cup. laugh but it's working damn thing is growing roots and is still green! lol.

The good thing is both AK's are about this big before flipping. They look identical really.


This is the unconfirmed larger plant.

I've inspected lower leaves from all plants and no bugs or signs of eggs. The UV luminescence shows a spec or two per a couple of leaves but it could be dust as far as I know. Most bugs lay a TON of eggs so there would be more.

What is more interesting is the look up close at the pre-flowers. One that I F.I.M.ed has one shoot with some crazy polyploidy shit going on. The important part is at the junction is a few female calyx with hairs so I know the plant is biologically female (yes they are biologically one sex -normally of course, but have the ability to change sex do to environment.

The plants haven't had but one adult gnat in the last few days but I've been keeping the soil dry on top.

It's in the roots that they do their damage so if they are there, this should keep them in check through flower.

I'm concerned about white flies now lol. I saw one adult in the tent (not confirmed it was sucked in the ventilation before I could see it.

That's what happens without the filter, the fans blow them around and the vent sucks them out into the room. However when I open a flap they can get back in!!

Next Steps:

My panda film arrived today, it's easier to light tight the room than find all of the pinholes in my tent. Now I have a double layer of protection. Off to make the room light proof!

*Will raise light, change bulb if I think good idea and turn up the ballast. It will be good to finally let them have some room.
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Yep, thanks for the advice. I thought it best too. So, What I ended up doing was just waiting out another four hours of darkness on top of their regular 7 for total of 11 hours sleeping them to 7PM when I want the lights to kick on. Good news came shortly after lights on. the preflowers on my big healthy mamma popped open to show me a couple of little hairs:)
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Day 4 flower update :

Good news first confirmed AK#3 female, AK#... 2 i think? (my notes are in the garden) . male and removed.

So far of 5 AK48 reg seeds 3 female, 1 male, 1 pretty sure male but he has a stay of execution until I confirm.

?? Thrips on AK#5 second largest. I found 3 teeny little bugs on leaves. White about. .5mm.

Removed a leaf that I saw the first one on but could find no eggs, leaf damage or any other indication of an infestation.

The lights are off now but will see if I can get a photo of one, if I can find one. I only found it because the new growth is barely starting to show a few hairs so I was curious and looking with my magnifier.

While im just entering flower what can I do to knock out bugs??

I would like something that will get the main gamut of indoor pests like spider mites too if possible just in case since we have pets.

When lights come on I will clean the room, pull the plants out into the room and clean the tent.

What is ok to use in the tent with the girls going right back in?

This is likely my one shot and I should have done some sort of preventative before flower but they were re great 4 days ago! Ugh.

Spinosad, neem, something else?

Last bad news: Went in yesterday and something told me to look at my ballast and I had it still set on 600W!!

So I killed the lights, turned it up all the way, refired and yesterday even with the rooms own AC can't get below 84f :(

Shoot...options are:

1) Finish with 4.5x4.5 approx. Space.
2)swing some cheap blurple LED panel to use instead. (dm if you have one for sale)

If I can round up the funds get a cheap LED to finish grow that would be best I think but would love any input!

All have a solution it's just a matter of slowing down to solve the best that I can.
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Day 7 Flower!

Humidity 36-64%, now that they are drinking more this is closer to 60%
with lights on yesterday so i'm worried about the spike today.

**Temps**Please some advice on this one?. I have a 1000W HPS and could use an LED to save my harvest as I mentioned.

* If I run light at 600W, in my 5x5 tent It's manageable and stays at 79 during the hottest part of the day.

* If however I run it at 1000w it's at 84 at the hottest part of the day. (if I could get my home AC repaired so it's not struggling so bad, the window unit wouldn't have to work so damn hard!).

The problem that I see is this, please correct me if I'm wrong...ever! Call me on my shit please I hate being the ignorant one!

I know 1000W isn't as efficient as 600, however all that means is that I'm not getting a 40% increase in light but maybe 35%

35% more light is a LOT.

Example Question: If you are thinking about harvest and grams per watt. Say you are a new grower, but have things in order. You produce 0.4 grams per watt and with the thousand watt bulb there's 400grams. Enough to keep you and the wife in medicine for the next season.

However one more problem enters the equation

Now cut that down to 600W and you only now have, 240 grams.

The bug issue seems to have been isolated, however I am on vigilant point. Been watching every plant and doing my regular leaf inspection:

I haven't seen anymore bugs, eggs or leaf damage.

I've basically poured 5 gallons of water into the tent in half a week lol!

So confirmed all sexes, Of 8 plants 2 Male, 6 Female. 1 has very bad root damage and depending on stretch may end up nixxed.

Here are the final plants, they have 2 more weeks of stretch and the AK is supposed to stretch a lot.


Since the Aurora#2 roots are so badly injured I will keep her in the outskirts and let the others fill in canopy.

Just ordered netting will arrive tomorrow and I can start training them down. I know 10 days into flower not the best time for scrogging but I had to be sure of sex.

They are drinking about 1/2 gallon every two days now.

I'm mixing up nutes in a gallon bottle at 1/4 strength for week one and only gave 16-64oz of food/liquid depending on the plant size, coloring etc.

This week it will be 1/2 strength and I will feed them as they seem to need it. Right now they have just the smallest bit of tip burn...the perfect amount ;)

Ok so my original thoughts of Thrips where likely unfounded and paranoia but I'm going to be extra vigilant!!

Any help on the light question would be awesome guys!!
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Ya, I think your right. In this case if we have a really really hot day I have a little bit of leeway.
The good thing is we didn't really spend a lot on these genetics and the whole point of growing our own medicine is to have the really good top shelf stuff.

Since this was to prove that I could do it, now that I'm pretty confident that I can we can get some good genetics going in the fall under the 1000 but for now it's probably best just to keep it at 600.

Heck who knows by then I might even be able to swing some panels like you have over there.

That's the goal anyway.
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Random wake and bake before the garden update. Happy Saturday everyone, hope you are happy and healthy and if unfortunately that's not the case, good energy to you and yours, I hope that things swing upward.
I've been over there reading PennyWise's journals and they are great. I'm a tech guy so I am really itching to get my feet wet in the hydro space and eventually try some Aeroponics. Trying to convince the wife that I need to write grow room automation software... Oh wow, I just had a great idea.

What we need is an interface that works anything plugged in, a simple power relay. with no matter what you are plugging in. I know they exist but I want it to go further. PW talks about power outage. We are thinking of moving to the UP (MI) power outage is common. Luckily now I work remotely from home but most people don't. If the power goes out for a sec wouldn't you like to be notified and be able to control backup measures, have the lights check how long its been off and make a decision to refire if HID or wait etc. All from a mobile device....hmm.

Anyone know of the main players in grow room automation? I'll find out with Google.
I would like to reach out maybe find a new career opportunity in the grow business..

Anyway going to shoot some pics brb...
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Day 12 Flower

So here is the most current pic from about 15 min ago

I put up a trellis to help train the remaining stretch and the wife and I decided that whatever happens we can always make some concentrates from the too Airy stuff.

The humidity is balanced out nicely now but I worry it will increase as flowering progresses. It's about 40-50% lights on, 60% lights off but my temps do not get below 73 ever. If I understand correctly certain spores and molds need a lower temperature drop for the spores to be released.

Here are the Girls!:

Aurora Indica #1

AK48 #5 (possible cherry?? or too much N lol)


AK48 #4 (biggun) last photo dead center

Iced Grapefruit


Poor Aurora #2 with some sort of root damage/disease? Never recovered 100% from nearly dropping them when seedlings.
This is on the outskirts and not really part of the main canopy at all. Figure whatever we get is better than nothing unless it's taking too long to finish and we need the space.

The plants have changed the amount that they drink drastically!

My gosh the question of how much do I water has to be the most unanswerable question if you are looking for an exact answer. Yet another reason Hydro is so appealing :) Each plant likes different amounts of water and I learned that it takes a plant that is sized for the pot before being able to water to X% runnoff the hard way...

I would love to know the best way to go getting started in Hydro, DWC? Coco? These two sound the most appealing but I don't want to have to hand feed to waste so a recirculating system would be in order for coco.
Anyway just a thought.

They are eating Fox Farms full line from the dirty dozen kit at 50% strength 1-2 times per week (every other water save for the couple of plants that look overfed) This is yet another variable that either going Super Soil or Hydro makes the most sense.

In a perfect world, the plant takes what it needs because it's present in the medium and bio-available. Right now I feel I have no idea from plant to plant what they have or don't.

Last one ;) I still don't know how much "liquid food" to give LOL. I've searched high and low and Coco is the only sensible answer that I can find which is water to runnoff, check EC etc.

So when feeding here is my arbitrary method so far:

Mixed nutes in 2, 1 gallon jugs at 50% recommended dosage.

Each Solo cup is about 16oz at the brim -I think.
The big Aurora and the Big AK get 64oz food when feeding.
The others only get 32oz.

*The second aurora has only been fed once and is currently getting only water.

If I water to runnoff on the larger plants they finally don't complain. Otherwise if I did that they looked waterlogged for an entire day and it would like like a lot of potential growth was lost.

No when I water or feed that plant will grow a lot that day...Man a lot to take into account..

I'm currently shopping LEDs, would switching to 600 (true) watts of LED (usually labelled 1000-1200W) stress out the girls too much at this point? I'm currently looking at Mars Hydro deals on ebay. Heck not sure if (2) Mars Hydro 600s (~600 actual watts if you combine the two Mars 600 panels), would be a step up from 600w HPS or not but from what i've seen I think so in my case anyway.

I would like to give them some more light and room and get that heater out of there. I plan to build a COB light specifically for the 5x5 using 12 COBS, Cree if possible but likely Citizen or something more affordable) and then use whatever LED that I buy now for vegging. That's it for now, have a great Saturday, back to reading some journals!!!!
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Looking sweet in there Phenom
Thanks Pennywise!

Getting exciting over here:)

I'm really glad that I found this site and made a journal of this journey.
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Journaling is the only way to go, down the road you can look back at problems and how you solved them.
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

I agree. I have notes for my on feeding, with more precise details in a notebook that I can easily write on in the grow room but otherwise keeping a record here is genius. Wish I would have given cannabis a try many years ago and found these forums.
I smoked all through my late teens and early 20s recreationally but stopped for many years. I could go into a whole life story but short version is:
Cannabis is saving my life by removing one by one half a dozen pharmaceuticals that have horrible side effects. Pain free, anxiety free, insomnia free, creative, europhoric, digestive system balenced out, weight balanced back out (motabolism kicked up) all around happy to be alive. Times were bleak for a bit there, have my wife to thank, now have a new hobby as well:)
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Actually I must have been mistaken or gotten lucky knock on wood I've been looking for him vigilantly everyday since and I haven't found any adults eggs or larvae. I know that there's going to be a bug problem at some point, because I have a lot of pets and that's just going to be the nature of things.

looking back at this was kind of a good thing because now I'm prepared with the knowledge on how to prevent these types of things from happening in the future as well as how to deal with them when they come up.

let's hope they don't come up on this grow at least :)

I still have few fungus gnats here and there but they're not too bad the traps and the mosquito bit seem to keep them under control pretty well.
With those, kinda have to just control best as possible.
Re: Phenominawesome Family First Grow Tries Aurora Indica, AK48's - 1KW MH/HPS - 5x5

Here just some random stuff:)

I just jumped onto the android phone app 420 so lets see if posting is easier.

I decided not to FIM going forward.
Think that I mentioned that, and the reason is due to some really unpredictable growth.

Now I would love 3-4 colas on a single top but my worry is airflow and budrot.

If they stretch enough i can split them or drop another trellis 18 inches above the first. If I use smaller squares it might prove to be a bonus.

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