pH fluctuation


Well-Known Member
I have plants that are in the flowering and vegetative stages grown with DWC. All plants are in their own 5 gallon buckets. Lately, both stages have been dropping in pH within a 24 hour period (5.8 to 4.90+). .I have been adding replacement water to the plants every 24 hours and that's when the pH is adjusted. One note, the water that's added is at a lower temperature, 50 degrees F. Could this cause a drop in pH? I end up with a water temperature of about 68-70 degrees F. I use cooler water to help regulate the H2O temp. for the root systems of the plants.

Any wisdom is appreciated...

Do you know what PPM you have in your pots?
I ask this for the reason it would tell me what your plants are taking in.
Yes some times water temp can change. Have you tried ice packs to keep water cool. That will not give you any change in ppm or other changes .
I have tried and still use ice packs for cooling. The veg plants ppm are around 900 ppm. The flowering plants are at 1200-1300 ppm. They all use water and all either stay around that ppm range or lose ppm daily. I add nutrients when needed between water changes. The plants look and seem fine. ????
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