Peyton & Pals Perpetual Playground

Just remember sometimes partnerships don't always end well Stumped guys can get greedy I've seen a few end rather badly hate for you to go down that road buddy. I will never go down that road again but I hope the best for you just sucks when it turns into a headache and somebody is taking the joy out of growing . :goodluck:
Yea I was gonna speak some more back story. I've known this guy since we were 10. And we sold dope for 11 years from 15 till I was about 26. Quit while we were ahead. And I've acthualy grown with him 4 or 5 years ago with CFLs lol. Wasn't much but still. Amount we grow now, and the amounts we use to trust each other with are night and day. We were ordering 10lb packs monthly back then.
I know your concerns, mine as well. But like I said I don't trust too many people as it is. And I can trust this guy with my life. He's saved my life and I saved his ass a few times lol
If the pope asked me tomorrow to grow with him, I'd decline lol (maybe bad example?) Hahahha

Cheers kola and appriceate the concerns.
That don't sound too bad. Hopefully he can send good pictures from laptop or phone if he has any questions. But I imagine if you get him set up right it should just be "add water while I'm gone" and good to go
Good deal buddy just hate to see a guy go from happy growing to fighting and bickering. Good to have a friend you can trust hard to come by in today's world better hold onto him. Today's society is just so messed up I think most would tell on there own families if they thought they could get a head or just to get out of trouble. I'm a firm believer everybody should do a stretch in the military or a few years in prison to learn some DISCIPLINE an a little RESPECT. Todays generation for me is like nails on a chalk board, I did 12 years and I can say I'm a better man for it. Enough of me ranting sorry boys LOL
It's all good kola. I did 4 years in army and a couple months in jail, so I understand where you're coming from. It is hard to find a trustworthy friend. I have one, and I know he would never sell me to catch a break
Did anybody else get these Kerala x skunk #1 from herbies ? I would like to do a compare grow after this one with somebody who has the same beans. I have those some more Pineapple Chunk , Vast an Fast Autos , Hawaiian skunk Haze ,Royal Queen Critical. And a Chemdawg. Don't think my clones are gonna make it so thought I might as well plan another grow
Did anybody else get these Kerala x skunk #1 from herbies ? I would like to do a compare grow after this one with somebody who has the same beans. I have those some more Pineapple Chunk , Vast an Fast Autos , Hawaiian skunk Haze ,Royal Queen Critical. And a Chemdawg. Don't think my clones are gonna make it so thought I might as well plan another grow

I've got my pineapple chunk going right now from herbies, and the free Strawberry blue in flower. I have the Hawaiian skunk haze seeds too, but haven't popped them yet. Want to do my C99 next though for winter veg, make them into monsters. I kept saying I'd never Flux again, but if I have a plant vegging for 4 or 5 months, I might do it with one of them
No problem kola. I served time too on a Few occasions. Longest was 6 years out of a 15 year sentence. Finally on the path for 11 years now. Away from crime and gang activity.
Jail didn't steer me that way. Almost dying from getting shot made me decide Im out while I'm still alive.

Maybe that's what all the fuckin bad kids need. A shot... Just in the foot though. I can't see any problems with that plan hahaha
Yeah that's true stumped. They can talk all that noise but until your shot or have near death experience, most won't understand real life. Been to war twice, never shot, but shot at and watched friends die in my arms. Life changing experience. Every day is a blessing and family comes first. Wouldn't have said that 10 years ago
Hey wildjim, does that seedbank you use sell blue dream and purple number 1? Want to pick some up for next seasons mass journal for BID. I'll have to find that link again.
Ya I was setting records back then. I was the youngest in the state to be sentenced to hard time I went in when I was 15 got out when I turned 27. Coming up on 10 years now haven't looked back since found me a dam good wife to help keep me grounded. But learned a lot about what was important to me. Ya I'm a little anti-social you guys are my friends don't have to many of those that's why I say hold on when you find a good one LOL
Ya I was a silly kid that thought I knew it all. Today you would never know it except for my tattoos and as the rest of my family puts it I have the 1000 yard stare. But I'm one of the nicest people you could meet I will go out of my way to help the elderly with groceries putting them into there car most are leery at first when I try to help. My wife gets a kick out of that big tatted up guy trying to be nice and helpful like a lion trying to help a gazelle out on the plain . She thinks she's so funny sometimes LOL
Ya live and learn right. My life is all about karma now you get what you put into it when I get older and need some help I hope it comes back to me too. I got some pics downloading now wanna see about some input from you guys I'm getting some yellowing like a N deficiency but that shouldn't be. Ph is 5.8 But I used half the booster for 3 feeding I think I'm gonna cut that out and just go back to the A an B I was using. Let me know what you guys think maybe just my eyes messing with me
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