Peyton & Pals Perpetual Playground

That's were I'm at with the SB and the PC Peyton doesn't really look like there getting fat and there's a lot of whit hairs to go yet making me think I'm doing something wrong getting me nervous I think they should be way fatter by now but seems like it's taking forever

Exactly. Mine made pretty preflowers on top and got hairy, and haven't grown up or out since then. Like they just stalled for the last week. I go in there every night hoping for a noticeable change, but no luck. Driving me nuts
I created a flower box for her. Goes on everyday at 4 and comes of at six am. If she got pollinated someone got a male plant growing outdoors. Wonder which neighbor it might be. And they have been this way for a week now. Amazingly lots of new pistols developed everyday. I don't think I'm gonna worried about it to much. Just curious more than anything.
Exactly no matter how I did the count I messed that up but this should be the last 2 weeks and they don't look like there gonna get there. My hairs have started to brown but the buds just aren't swelling. I'm gonna chop the one Chernobyl down in the next day or 2 but the other has a 1/2 '' of white hairs my SB an PC still have about 1'' long hairs turning brown, just kinda lost on the girls. like somethings off but don't know what.
Usually defol isn't necessary for outdoor plants. Sun moves around plant and hits it all. But some selective defol can be good, just don't go nuts or you'll slow the plant down a little
Exactly no matter how I did the count I messed that up but this should be the last 2 weeks and they don't look like there gonna get there. My hairs have started to brown but the buds just aren't swelling. I'm gonna chop the one Chernobyl down in the next day or 2 but the other has a 1/2 '' of white hairs my SB an PC still have about 1'' long hairs turning brown, just kinda lost on the girls. like somethings off but don't know what.

Well at least yours got that far before they seemed to stall. I would just give them more time and watch trichs, cause I hear they usually swell up good the last two weeks. Mine stalled right after stretch, so it's depressing to think mine won't make anything usable. SB I understand cause I defoliated the hell out of it right after stretch. But I don't know why my Flux seems stalled. I think my HGK clone is outdoing both of them right now
No I think I gotcha your trying to get more yield that will extend the flower period out another 2 weeks. There was a big post on it not that long ago. I wanted to try that sometime after a good harvest that and the GLR it should make them hermie there's a few guys on here trying that out .
I created a flower box for her. Goes on everyday at 4 and comes of at six am. If she got pollinated someone got a male plant growing outdoors. Wonder which neighbor it might be. And they have been this way for a week now. Amazingly lots of new pistols developed everyday. I don't think I'm gonna worried about it to much. Just curious more than anything.

Right now you shouldn't need a flower box. She should flower naturally in the northern hemisphere. Stumped might be onto something with that light schedule. Keep a really close eye out for nuts. Fine tooth comb get again if need be
No I think I gotcha your trying to get more yield that will extend the flower period out another 2 weeks. There was a big post on it not that long ago. I wanted to try that sometime after a good harvest that and the GLR it should make them hermie there's a few guys on here trying that out .

I used glr on SB and HGK Flux through veg. Worked great from what I could tell. My plants aren't huge, so it's easy for me to go through them and I couldn't find any problems. Saved on electricity that's for sure
Check my thread it w i 'll show all. I had them both n five gal pots at the beginning. Then they out grew those. My original intention was to move them to the garage everyday. Well then since they outgrew the pots I had to transplant. So I put them in the ground. Then they started getting way to big. So I knew they would double in size during flower. So put one the woods, and created a flower box for the other. Height would of became a problem. This box is 3ft wide by 6ft tall by 3ft long. She is completely light proof. As every cranny is filled with black caulk. Also has 2 sets of vents that completely c lose also. Then I installed a little fan inside runs of my outdoor plugs. Then also got some damp rid bags to help keep humidity and moisture down. Tested Several times. This should bring you up to speed. So there I have controlled the light and dark
One more thing I know people that run 8/16 10/14. Cannabis really only needs 6 to 8 hrs of sunlight. Doesn't even have to be direct light. There for more dark he creates bigger buds and more resign. I've done t i nd of research and have read hundreds of threads about light times.
im a little late but its all good im here now to stay ,, wassup fellow growers !!!!!!!!!!
Nothing much. Takinge about light schedules, and I've been paranoid about my plants cause after the stretch a week ago I haven't seen any noticeable change, like they both just stalled. Pretty soon we'll be getting into the colloidal silver stuff. Might as well start our own little seed bank and start strain swapping and crossing
Not saying it don't work. But changing light schedule through flower can cause issues.
I've read of people doing 14h schedules but indoors. Not trying to manipulate things outdoors.

Leaves touching hairs turning them brown is crazy talk Lol hairs brown when one of 2 things happen. 1 being ripening, it can't be ripening already. 2 its hermied or pollinated. Hairs retract into cylax when one of those things happen.

There's tons of crazy ideas on the internet. I try to lead people towards fact rather then wild assumptions.

Cheers hope it all works out for ya.
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