Perfect Sun LED: Max Yield Sponsored Light Review!

Roots are coming along nicely for the 4 plants I’ll be taking for the room, and a pleasant surprise, we now have 5 Pinkman Goo seeds that are going to need to be germinated soon!



great start brother, Enjoy the ride, we will im sure, lol. !! :lot-o-toke:
Thanks brotha! I always enjoy every grow lol, I’m looking forward to seeing how these turn out under the Max, I’ve seen them grow with underperforming lights, with one that’s capable of being too powerful they should really flourish!
Quick shot of the ladies from this morning before letting them be for the day. Still waiting to be able to start a normal watering schedule, I soaked the pots pretty well when transplanting because the soil was fairly crispy and the last couple plants I put into it didn’t fair too well, these ones are very happy though and never drooped once, in the next couple days I’m going to start lowering the light now that the plants have become adjusted to it and not showing signs of stress

These ladies are getting to be about due for an up-potting, within the last week I have turned on the second full power switch on the light soo now the veg switch and 2 middle switches are on, after the new pots and a week or 2 to adapt to them I will flip the 4th switch on and begin deciding which plants are going to be staying in this room to flower out, once those are picked out, I will begin the 12/12 schedule

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