
Sorry to hear about the passing of your/our old friend Pennywise h00k.:( May he forever rest in peace!:rip:
Damn, Brother! 🤬 I'm just getting bad news everywhere I turn these days.
Brother @Pennywise was a great guy and great grower, and it's a great loss that he's no longer with us. RIP Brother! :rip:😢

BTW, I hope you're doing well, @dr.h00k . It's been a while! :high-five:
...doing well Mr. K, thanks, and yes, it's been some time for sure...PW made many friends wherever he hung his hat, and honestly, I can't recall ever a bad word said about the man, over various forums...he is being remembered as the warm, welcoming, helpful and knowledgeable guy we all knew here...h00k...

I'm very sorry to hear this.
I made this account years before I started posting and followed a handful of growers, absorbing what they were doing and implementing it in my early grows. Penny was one of those growers, and when I made my first journal documenting my mini-grows I was very happy to see when he popped on offering some kind words and advice.

Barely knew him yet feel deeply impacted by this one,
Rest In Peace
I'm absolutely heartbroken.

I was wondering why my messages to him went I know.
Penny and I became good friends over the years. We kept in contact after he left the site.

He was always there to answer any type of question or forward information to me. He was also really fun just to shoot the shit or do a little occasional gossiping.

He was always a gentleman towards me and I will miss him greatly.
OMG... That totally sucks ass! He was one of my favorites on this site. I even went searching for him on other sites when he got banned; but never found him. Between PW, Shed & Emilya I feel I had some of the best grow teachers around. His passing brings a tear to my eye. He'll be missed a lot!
Any idea on the cause of death? Hopefully, passed peacefully in his sleep. Not sure if he had medical issues or not.
It is with great sadness, that I have to announce the passing of a friend of mine, as well as many here...PennyWise, earlier this month...He was a fixture and multiple award recipient here at 420...He was a wealth of knowledge, helping people with their grow's, and had a vast knowledge of strains and their lineage, spreading it throughout many threads here...though not active here for the past few years, I'm sure he will fondly remembered by all who knew him...RIP PW...h00k...

My condolences to you as well as everyone else who knew, liked and respected Penny. He was a very nice man.

:rip: Penny. :love:
It's sad to get the news of his passing. Reading all the posts I am humbled at how many he helped along the way. What a class act. My condolences to his family and friends. As one mentioned, keep passing down the knowledge.
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