The climate change we expect around the 1st of July hereabouts came right on schedule, Marion. It's fun to look at Alpha from the side. You can see the various climates the plant has grown in reflected in the growth. At the bottom is the dense growth that took place over 135 days of neglect in a cabinet under CFLs. The plant was root pruned and topped several times to keep it short and was always very close to the lights.
Above that there is the growth outside in very hot, extremely dry breezy conditions. The leafs are small and leathery. Node spacing was wide.
At the top is the newest growth with much improved humidity and cooler conditions. The leafs are bigger and fleshier. Node spacing is tighter. The picture was taken early this morning a few minutes before direct sun starts hitting the greenhouse. The new growth is wide awake and anxious for the bright light.
Things look great for the future with continued ideal conditions with temperatures cooling down even more in September and a drop in humidity as the summer monsoons abate.
The plant has never had any food that wasn't contained in the soil - only water. The plant is right about three feet tall now and is not supposed to get much taller than that since it is a dwarf strain.