PeeJay's Perpetual Porta-Scrog Party

Peejay, I am going to ask a stupid question..what is a signature on the forum. I read it used many times but don't know what it pertains to. some say check my signature and I don't know where to look.

Go to your control panel "User CP" at the top of the page. You will find "Edit Signature" on the left.
You signature lets you add text you want to show at the bottom of EVERY post you make.
BTW, you can easily edit a post to add information, or correct a mistake. No need to create several posts, one after another.
Go to your control panel "User CP" at the top of the page. You will find "Edit Signature" on the left.
You signature lets you add text you want to show at the bottom of EVERY post you make.
BTW, you can easily edit a post to add information, or correct a mistake. No need to create several posts, one after another.

"User cp" is also "settings near the top of the screen."

and BTW, if dutchess edits, it takes longer to get to 50 posts :)

For a look at how to get a good harvest in a small space, look at JimmieJ's First Grow - Closet - Soil - Bag Seed - CFLs

Thank you Radogast, I didn't want to reply, perhaps to sound like a wiseass. getting the 50 post in I hope I haven't pissed anyone off. I am in desperate need of growing my plants out to heopfully make my days better. I have been on strong meds for so long, sometimes I think it has affected my overall thought process. I know it has affected my relationships because I stay home and have become a hermit. most days I don't feel like getting out of bed and when I do I am in pain. strangely though, since I started growing my plants, Ive realized that I tend to them better than I tend to myself. if that makes sense. I will get 50 in today. believe it or not since I started , when my seeds came in April 2nd, when I am working with them I am not depressed...and that says a lot for me. Thanks for seeing thru all my post. I will go elsewhere to get the remainder of post needed.
Thank you Radogast, I didn't want to reply, perhaps to sound like a wiseass. getting the 50 post in I hope I haven't pissed anyone off.

:sorry: You certainly didn't piss me off. I was only trying to make life slightly easier for you and help keep the thread a little cleaner. I forgot all about the 50 post requirement.
I meant no offense when i mentioned 50 posts - Idon't think Major PITA meant offense either.

If leaving the house is an issue for you, a high CBD strain , Blue Blood? might also be a good choice. SweetSue's daughter has had some good results with a paranoia avoiding, agoraphobia easing strain provided by SweetSue. I th8nk I've seen you on that thread.

You are on 420. You are growing medicine. You and your questions are welcome.
Hey Master Sprout!

So this is the end for a bit for you too? Time to enjoy summer. :high-five:

Try the Money Maker, it may be up your alley as I was very presently surprised with the nice mellow high with now nail biting tendencies.

Bob ;)
HI PeeJay, I hope that things are okay? Haven't heard from you in ages, that usually means your Mom is not doing well. I will put you all in my thoughts.

Happy Independence day. :)

Please contact me when you get a chance, I have something that is ready to be sent out for you.

Luff Ya

Peejay posted there again just now :)

just say'n

Hi Doc Z,

Yes, and :thanks: He posted to my journal real quick the other day. So happy to see he is safe and still growing.

:ciao: PeeJay

Beautiful buds you're showing off over there. All kinds of sparkling eye candy.

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