PeeJay's Neophyte Breeding Adventure

I've been hearing about budworm problems from friends in the Midwest,Main, California and Texas. My friends in the southwest are getting eaten by grasshoppers. I envy outdoor growers most of the time but I'm liking my grow room a lot. The only pest I get are thrips and they are easily controlled.
I've been hearing about budworm problems from friends in the Midwest,Main, California and Texas. My friends in the southwest are getting eaten by grasshoppers. I envy outdoor growers most of the time but I'm liking my grow room a lot. The only pest I get are thrips and they are easily controlled.

I love the beauty and drama of the outdoor grows, but the risks are so high. The thrill they generate keeps bringing me back for more, and I have the highest regard for those who eagerly shoulder those risks and share with us.
You say that to everybody, Sue. I'm doing pretty ok though. Would have been so much better if I dumped coconut water on 'em, sprouted seeds and ground them up with the soaking juice, bubbled up buckets of ACT...

I never seem to be on the boat when it sails.

This is the journal of missed opportunities. A sad sad place to visit. Sort of like the Island of Misfit Toys in the classic Rudolf holiday special.


Awww BS!

You're on the boat, you're just making sure all of the mechanics are working correctly before you allow it to leave the dock. ;-)

This is the journal of learning and experimenting, thinking things through with common sense. Taking risks and being rewarded, or understanding why something didn't work, or in most cases why it worked so well. You aren't afraid to dive into something new to test it out for yourself, and do so knowing the risk.

You have a load of knowledge and you share it. You are definitely not afraid to give your point of view knowing that it could go against others. I personally love that about you. Honest, upfront, and open!
You prefer simplicity and uncomplicated growing, as do a lot of others who just don't have the time or the resources to try the more involved growing techniques.

The Misfits were given a happy life in the end because of Rudolph, if you recall. :circle-of-love:

You got those seeds harvested yet? :laughtwo::popcorn:

Good morning!
I've been hearing about budworm problems from friends in the Midwest,Main, California and Texas. My friends in the southwest are getting eaten by grasshoppers. I envy outdoor growers most of the time but I'm liking my grow room a lot. The only pest I get are thrips and they are easily controlled.

There were a lot of grasshoppers here this year and they invaded the diaper. They didn't like the big brixy plants at all. I'd find hoppers on them but they never seemed to eat anything. When the breeders were small they were a tasty salad for the grasshoppers. If they hadn't been protected in the greenhouse I bet they would've gotten chomped down to bare skeletons.



I'm sloven when it comes to keeping the diaper zipped up so bugs get in. There are lots of jumping spiders. I see lacewings in there often. I love it when there is a wasp or two in there. I get some protection from the greenhouse but I like having good bugs in the environment so I don't obsess about keeping the bad ones out.

Last year I had mites all summer. There were never so bad that there were webs but they did lots of leaf damage. I had to azamax the plants every four days. Azamax is OMRI approved, but still... I let them go the last three weeks without spraying. This year I haven't had an issue. Here's what one of the Panthers from last year looked like on September 30th. You can clearly see all the leaf damage.


Thanks for the kind words, Canna. I'm just taunting Sue. Me and Duggan. ;)

I like experiments and may even run a no till for shits and giggles. I have a 15 gallon pot of undisturbed soil that the DarkStar was harvested from. I might put one of the new babies or one of the clones in there in a few weeks. Then again, I have a nice rosemary plant that's been in 5 gallons of used cannabis soil for two years who would really like to move into that pot, too.

Speaking of babies, High Priority and Bangi Haze are up and kicking around 64 hours after being soaked for an hour and popped right into the dirt.

High Priority:




I sampled the Sage 'n Sour last night. Nice smoke! It will have been flowering for 8 weeks tomorrow and seems to be on track with the breeder's 9 week flowering projection. The sample was so good that I may even lop off one of the big colas tonight since it is the harvest/supermoon/lunar eclipse and that may give the stash mystical powers. :smokin:


I always post pictures taken in the early morning. Yesterday I took a picture showing what things are like around here at 4:30 p.m.

Then again, I have a nice rosemary plant that's been in 5 gallons of used cannabis soil for two years who would really like to move into that pot, too.


I sampled the Sage 'n Sour last night. Nice smoke! It will have been flowering for 8 weeks tomorrow and seems to be on track with the breeder's 9 week flowering projection. The sample was so good that I may even lop off one of the big colas tonight since it is the harvest/supermoon/lunar eclipse and that may give the stash mystical powers. :smokin:

I combined your ideas and harvested rosemary today for harvest/supermoon/lunar eclipse mystical powers. :)
You have mystical powers in the bank that I covet, Radogast. It turned out I wasn't home last night to lop a big cola right at the moment of total eclipse. The S 'n S needs a little more time anyway. I'll keep telling myself that.


I did get home to find the other two babies born though.

Golden Lemon


Pink Plant


Yeah... So all four up in less than four days. No paper towels. No waiting for seeds to sink. POW!

Yeah... So all four up in less than four days. No paper towels. No waiting for seeds to sink. POW!


Congrats on the new babies. :happy-birthday: kids!

Cute name for a strain, "Pink Plant".

I kind of enjoy seeing a popped seed after soaking overnight in water. Seed pops, put it in soil...sprout in a couple days. If the seed never pops, I don't have to go seed digging to find out it's bad. :laughtwo:
Your method works for sure, and I believe I said this the first time you quipped that...I'll probably go straight to soil next time.


Let me just add.....:blalol:

Oh, before I forget...I picked off 5 off those damn worms from the outdoor girl this morning. They were right at the buds. Looks like it's going to be another morning critter pick off routine. {{sigh}}
A couple of pictures of various Sage 'n Sour colas at 8 weeks.





The Sage part says, "patience my friend, we have some time left yet."

The Sour part snaps back, "cut me down and be done with me, I'm sick of the anticipation!"

The Sage will prevail for at least another week, I hope.
More'n likely, Canna. When I went and looked at the picture in actual pixels I saw them in two photos and then realised that there are two picture of the same cola in that set taken from different angles. How about these black oily looking spots on one leaf? They're kinda freaky.


Sage advice... :cheesygrinsmiley:

That looks like bug poop.
Sage advice... :cheesygrinsmiley:

That looks like bug poop.

I know, huh? Not from those little things we can barely make out, either. Probably from the unseen worms that may be eating that pretty flower from the inside out.

More'n likely, Canna. When I went and looked at the picture in actual pixels I saw them in two photos and then realised that there are two picture of the same cola in that set taken from different angles. How about these black oily looking spots on one leaf? They're kinda freaky.

Yeah, they look rather thrippish to me. Didn't you have trouble with Thrips before?

It does look like bug poop of some kind.

How will you be washing your buds? I know I'll have to do some major washing to mine when ready.
You say that to everybody, Sue. I'm doing pretty ok though. Would have been so much better if I dumped coconut water on 'em, sprouted seeds and ground them up with the soaking juice, bubbled up buckets of ACT...

I never seem to be on the boat when it sails.

This is the journal of missed opportunities. A sad sad place to visit. Sort of like the Island of Misfit Toys in the classic Rudolf holiday special.


Yeah, they look rather thrippish to me. Didn't you have trouble with Thrips before?

It does look like bug poop of some kind.

How will you be washing your buds? I know I'll have to do some major washing to mine when ready.

Never had a big thrip problem... If they are thrips they're few and far between. I'll take more pictures when I go out and inspect later and see if I can spot any more of them.

I do three 5 gallon buckets, Canna. In the first one I use about 1 cup each of lemon juice and baking soda in tepid water. I like to trim down the colas all the way to nugs first. The baking soda goes into the water and is dissolved, then add the material to be washed and finally add the lemon juice while stirring very gently to get good foaming action. Next I move the material into a bucket of warm rinse water and give things a little swish. Finally I do I second cold water rinse in the third bucket. If I need to do more than one set of buckets I start fresh each run. I drain the nugs on a double layer of paper towels for about half an hour. After that I put down a second layer of paper toweling and move the nugs there. This last time I dried the buds in a variation of the paper bag method. I got a stack of 8.5"x 11.75" cardboard boxes and made air holes in the sides. I put about a 2' layer of buds in each box and then stacked them around the inside perimeter of the odor controlled tent and gave them a stir every day for about a week before jarring up.

I wash the trim in the kitchen sink using the same three stages. I have a big mesh strainer that I use to scoop out the trim and anything I miss is caught by the sink stopper when I drain the sink. The trim also spends some time draining on paper towels but goes right into bags and gets frozen as soon as the moisture from the wash is gone.
Took a bunch of pictures and then looked at them up close. The peskiest thing I saw? PeeJay hair. :rofl:


These are all pictures of DarkStar. This pheno is not as photogenic as the indoor one was because there are so many sugar leaves and sugar-fans. Gonna a be a biatch to trim. It is piling on frost and is dank as hell. It's still pushing new pistils and is going to require patience to finish properly.



Woo Hoo! NO critters. Gotta be lovin' that.

Don't ya hate it when those sticky buds pull your hair? Tell the teacher on em'! :laughtwo:

Nice looking frost going on there. That's the kind of snow sculptures that we want. :)

Wandering around the other day I found a fun internet store site. Google Everwood farms. Their prices are better than the build a soil place and they have a huge selection of organic items in bulk bins so you can order any quantiy you want. They also do custom mixing from the bulk bins.

I have a lot of dirt stockpiled but not a lot of amendments around. I'm contemplating having them mix an amendment for PJ v2.01 since they have everything it needs. If anyone is interested they do a group buy thing and we could have them mix a big load and ship it out to various addresses. They were nice people to visit with on the phone.

It would be a deal where you would mix the amendment into peat, a fraction of good organic potting mix and perlite. v 2.01 is solid. Here is a picture of one of the Chitrals at 90 days old that was started for three weeks in seedling mix and up-canned into two gallons. The days were short enough late season that it went right into flower when it hit sexual maturity. It has had one fishy fert drench a week ago but other than that just water. It's early life was rough because it was down in the dark shade of the other big plants for a while but it is very healthy.


I know that my friend who has three huge plants in 20 gallon containers of the soil will want some. I'm going to break out the calculator some time soon and get a quote to have them mix up 100 pounds. After I do I'll post up the cost per pound and see if anyone else would like some too.
I know that my friend who has three huge plants in 20 gallon containers of the soil will want some. I'm going to break out the calculator some time soon and get a quote to have them mix up 100 pounds. After I do I'll post up the cost per pound and see if anyone else would like some too.
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